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The four landed in the Forest of Dean after Hermione apparated them out of the house. Diana and Hermione let the boys rest that night. In the morning, Diana sat next to Hermione, a blanket over their laps as they read a book together. Sam was in the tent, curled up like a cat, sleeping.

The crunching of snow made the girls look up from their books and see Harry walking towards them.

"Are you feeling better?" Hermione asked, looking at the boy.

"You've outdone yourself with this time, Hermione." Harry complimented.

"The Forest of Dean," Hermione answered. "I came here once with Mum and Dad, years ago. It's just how I remember it. The trees, the river, everything. Like nothing's changed. Not true, of course, everything's changed. If I brought my parents back here now, they probably wouldn't recognize any of it. Not the trees, not the river, not even me."

Diana's hair turned blue as she grabbed her best friend's hand.

"Maybe we should stay here, Harry, Ana." Hermione continued. "Grow old."

The three fell into a comfortable silence until Diana asked the question. "Do you know the boy in the photograph, Mione?"

"Yes, his name is Gellert Grindelwald," Hermione said.

"He's the thief I saw in Gregorovitch's Wand Shop. Speaking of which, where is my wand?" Harry asked, only to receive silence. "Where's my wand, Dia, Hermione?"

Both of the girls hesitated before Diana sat up and moved to the side, pulling back the blanket to reveal his broken wand.

"As we were leaving Godric's Hollow, Sam cast a curse and it rebounded." She explained. "I'm sorry. I tried to mend it, but wands are different."

"It's done. Leave me yours. Go inside and get warm, both of you. I'll take the locket as well." Harry said as Diana handed her wand to her boyfriend.

Later that night, Harry and Sammy were on watch while the girls slept. Sam had apologized for breaking his wand but Harry waved him off and said it was fine.

The boys sat in silence when a small orb of light appeared. They shared a look and stood up, the orb started to grow and a doe transformed. Sam and Harry quickly followed after it, where they ended up at the river.

"Lumos." They sat together. The duo carefully walked onto the ice and stopped in front of the orb.

The orb suddenly floated down through the ice and showed something at the bottom.

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