Memories Forgotten

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That was the name that the red-scaled girl kept calling him as she chased after him, though he did not know who she was.

He did not even know who he was.

It was all quite strange, he had awoken a few weeks ago in a strange place that the red-scaled girl called Zora's Domain, her home.

He supposed that she must have been a Zora, but what a Zora was, he did not know.

They weren't in Zora's Domain anymore from what he could tell, but instead in a place called Kakariko Village where the emissaries of the Hylian Royal Family lived.

Or at least that's what the Zora had told him when they had first arrived.

He did not know why but she always seemed so...attached to him. Worried about him, as if she had somehow known him.

It was a ridiculous idea, but Revali felt a warmth in his chest whenever he thought about her, the way that whenever she smiled her serrated teeth would slightly show, or how her entire being seemed to light up when she was excited.

He shook the thought of his mind. He didn't know who she was, or how she knew him.

But he did know he never wanted to see her unhappy, the way she was now.

The rain pouring down around them masked the tears running down her face quite well, but Revali knew she was crying, the look of distress on her face quite evident.

She had seen many expressions on her face, but never one that sent so much turmoil through his mind and pain through his heart as she spoke again.

"Revali? Why did you leave the house? Is something wrong?" She asked worriedly, and Revali noticed she was about to reach out to him before placing her hand back at her side.

Something was wrong, she was crying. She was in pain. But why? Was it because of him?

"You're crying."

His voice shocked her as she looked back up at him, and she could see the worry in his eyes that she knew all too well.

"What?" She stuttered, and Revali reached a hand to her cheek and wiped away the tears with his thumb, another familiar action Mipha had dearly missed.

Her tears had stopped in her shock of hearing his voice, though now the both of them were drenched from the rain.

"You are hurting inside, I can feel it. Is it my fault that you are in such pain?" He asked, moving away from the Zora once again, though he wanted nothing more than to be close to her once more.

She shook her head frantically, causing her jewelry on her body to tinkle pleasantly, the silver catching the soft lamplight from the inn nearby.

"It is not your fault. It never was your fault, I promise. I just...I wasn't strong enough to protect you, and now you don't even remember me."

There was that feeling again, that want Revali had in his heart to pull her close to him and not let her go.

A thought then slipped into his mind from the vault where his memories lay, a single name.


The way it sounded on his tongue sounded right, it sounded perfect.

The Zora had a look of shock upon her face once again as she tentatively reached out towards him, cupping her palm against Revali's cheek.

"You remember my name. Do you remember anything else?"

The hopeful tone in her voice made Revali feel guilty as he leaned his face against her palm, relishing in the feeling of her soft skin against his cheek as she rubbed her thumb over his cheek mark.

"I don't remember anything else, but I remember your name. I much I loved hearing that name whenever someone said it, even if you weren't around." He said softly, and Mipha smiled as she looked into his eyes, the sadness quite evident.

"Revali..." She murmured, and he shook his head.

"No, please, let me finish. It is not your fault that I have lost my memories, and I would never blame you for it. I may not be at a place where I can fully recover memories, but I am just...glad, that you are alright." He said with a soft smile, causing Mipha to grin, and Revali was sure that her smile could bring sunlight to any cloudy day.

She stepped closer towards him and wrapped her arms around him, causing Revali to freeze for a moment, though every thought in his mind was screaming at him to return the gesture, so he pulled her close as best he could.

"I will help you regain your memories, no matter how long it will take. I promise." She whispered, and Revali smirked as he leaned next to her ear.

"I know you will, Princess."

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