We walked into the building holding hands and people started looking at us as we walked to my locker.
"Why are they looking at us?" asked Leo nervously.
"Because you're the new guy. They don't mean anything by it" I explained as I opened my locker and got out some books. I then put them in my bag and closed the locker. We then walked to the principle's office together so that Leo could get his timetable.
When we got there , somebody else was already in the office. When they came out I saw that it was Taylor and her mom. Taylor sat in Leo's seat as Leo walked into the office and closed the door."I can't believe they called a meeting over my behavior" sulked Taylor.
"If you don't want a meeting then maybe you could try doing something about it" I said.
"Like what?" asked Taylor.
"Being good" I laughed.
"Because that will work" said Taylor. Then she followed her mom out of the office and I was left alone. It wasn't too long until Leo came out. He had quite a big stack of books in his arms , it was that high he could hardly see over it. I noticed something quite good though. Those books must have been quite heavy because they were causing the muscles in his arms to tense up. I began to blush.
"Why are you going so red" asked Leo laughing because obviously he knew why.
"Oh no reason" I lied. I then took the top half of the books off him and helped him take them to his locker. He was lucky that his locker is next to our homeroom. We walked in but everybody was to interested in their own conversations to notice that there was somebody new in the room. I sat down in my seat which was at the front of the room. Leo had to sit at the back of the room though because our homeroom teacher has an obsession with alphabetical order so he likes everybody to be arranged by their last name. That is one of the many flaws of Mr. Front. That and he sometimes stands in weird positions that make the whole class exchange worried glances to eachother. This is how the seating plan goes. Each letter is one desk. I am on desk J and Leo is on desk D. The bullet points show the desks that are empty:
● X T P L H D
● W S O K G C
TEACHER'S DESKSo mine and Leo's desks are diagonal to eachother but we have David Garrette inbetween us.
Then Mr. Front came in and started taking attendance. Leo could no officially start senior year in Nashville!