Chapter 88: Returning Home

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(Upstate New York)

Y/N's P.O.V

After a long flight in the quinjet we make it back to the new and improved Avengers compound in Upstate New York.

Justin flies down and lands the quinjet just outside the main part of the compound.

Ben's P.O.V

I'm at the compound with Rhodey and we're currently talking to Secretary Ross as he wants to know where Vision is.

Ross: Still no word from Vision?

Ben: No, the satellite has lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.

Ross: And he's on board a quinjet with eight of the world's most wanted criminals.

Rhodes and I look up at Ross.

Rhodey: You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that. Right sir?

Ross: Christ Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals mine.

Rhodey: If it wasn't for those Accords Vision would be right here, and so would the other's.

Ross stand up and walks over to me.

Ross: I remember your signature on those papers Col. You too Reilly.

I scoff.

Rhodey: Yeah, that's right and I'm pretty sure I paid for that.

Ben: And my signature was on those papers because you threatened my parents.

Ross: You two having second thoughts?

Rhodey and I look at each other

Rhodey: No.

Ben: Not anymore.

Ross, Rhodey and I look to the right and see Cap and the other's walk in.

Y/N's P.O.V

Myself and the other rogue Avengers walk into the room to see Ben and Rhodey talking to Secretary Ross.

We stop infront on them.

Steve: Secretary.

Ross looks to Nat and Yelena.

Ross: You've got some nerve I'll give you that.

Yelena: Looks like you could use some of that right now.

Ross then looks to Steve and I.

Ross: The world is on fire and you two think that all is forgiven.

Steve: Neither of us are looking for forgiveness and I know for a fact we're both way past asking for permission.

I nod in agreement with Cap.

Y/N: Damn right. Earth just lost one of its best defender's, so we're here to fight. But if you wanna get in our way we'll fight you too.

Ross then looks back to Rhodey and Ben.

Ross: Arrest them.

Rhodey: We're all over it.

Rhodes then shuts down the hologram meeting.

Rhodey: Well that's a court marshal.

He then smiles and sticks his hand out.

Rhodey: It's good to see you Cap. You too Spidey.

Steve and I both smile. Steve then shakes his hand.

Steve: It's good to see you Rhodey.

Y/N: Yeah, it's good to see you Rhodes.

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