Cracking Glass and Wet Grass

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Espresso had a nervous feeling welling up inside of his doughy insides. What if it was a cookie he'd never caused any trouble? What if it was a cookie who was faking it, just so he could play a prank? What if it was... Latte Cookie? He'd have to put this aside, and face his fears, even if the outcome would be a crying Espresso.

So as he walked towards the beach, he noticed the Sugar Gnomes working away at the forest, getting some new land ready. He suspected he'd have to help removed the trees or rocks in the way of the buildings. Alas, he moved on. The Galaxy tiles leading towards the bridge were glistening, and the Sparkling Island nearby had just finished its happy hour, and was cleaning up. The bridge was made of brown sugar, and smelled of coffee and herbs. And just across the bridge was the beach. A lot of people were here, so he decided to hide away, in a less people crowded area, maybe behind those palm trees? He smelt the sea-side salt smell, coming from all the sugar star-fish washed up nearby. Mango Cookie was out on his gondola, with Sea Fairy asking questions about what it was. 

And when he reached the trees... 

Silence, at least for now.

When he heard someone approaching. "Hey! You can come out! I'm not going to hurt you."

Okay, you can do this. They seem friendly, so maybe he's not going to prank me. Well, let's go. Here we go...

He stepped out from the palm trees shadows to be greeted by...

Madeleine Cookie.


"Well, hello! I'm glad you responded to my letter! Even though you stood on it, I'm glad you've come!"

Espresso felt very nervous. He didn't know why, maybe it's because he's so 'extroverted' or because he's so cute- no, it's because he hasn't seen him in such a long time... he didn't know why, but he was blushing... oh god.

"You okay? Anyway, hate to ruin the mood, but I heard coffee was up for grabs! I brought a blanket so we can sit down instead of..."

His words seemed to drown out, and everything was spinning... his grip tightened on the bottle holding his Espresso brew, every eye in the area seemed to look at him. He felt like he was going to cry of embarrassment, or just plain confusion. He didn't know why he was so tearful all of a sudden, but he wanted to leave. CRASH! The bottle he held in his sweaty palm shattered into small but sharp pieces. Overwhelming pain attacked his left hand. He... let his emotions loose. By accident.

And everything went awry. He dropped his glasses and ran away. "E-Espresso! Come back! A-are you alright?" Tears streaming down his brown skin, Espresso kept banging into random things, and his hand bled with every step he took. 

"Hey! Watch it, Coffee-Addict!" Said one angry cookie.

"W-wait! Mr! Are you okay? I can help! D-Don't run!" Said one young-seeming cookie.

He found a bush and he lay there for what seemed like hours. He felt so physically and mentally sick, and just wanted to go home. But he dropped his glasses... dammit... I'll just lie here... I want to die, I've publicly embarrassed myself... 

But he wouldn't be alone for long, as his tears and blood saved his life, and his hand.

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