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I smelled strong antiseptics and opened my eyes to see a dark hospital room. I looked around and saw Hank asleep on a couch and Conner sitting in a chair right next to my bed. He held my hand and I squeezed his to show him I'm awake. His led flashed yellow then blue and he looked to me.


I put my finger to my lips to signal him to be quiet due to Hank being asleep. He looked over and nodded. He got off the chair and moved closer to me. He quickly pushed his lips to mine and kissed me. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"I love you, and I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I love you too, it's ok."

"It's not, I shouldn't have put you in that situation. I shouldn't have gotten angry. I should've stopped and told you I loved you and I need a moment. I should've made you know how much I need you."

I pulled him to my chest and kissed his head.

"I need you too. I'm sorry if I'm difficult sometimes."

"Never, you're perfect Isabelle."

My eyes got heavy and he sat down next to me.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

I kissed his hand and let my heavy eyelids close again.


I heard talking and opened my eyes.

"The wound is healing properly, if she would've spent another minute or two out there it would've been much worse," a doctor said.

Connor nodded and thanked him. He left the room and Connor opened the door for Hank. Hank saw me awake and smiled.

"Morning sleeping beauty," he said smiling.

"Morning Hank," I said roughly. I cleared my throat and smiled.

"Good news, he's been found."

"Where is he?" I asked worried.

"Dead. Killer hasn't been found, but there was no finger prints on the murder weapon."

It was her, the android from the club.

"Do you think it was-"

"Innocent until proven guilty. There's no proof," he said.

"Good," I said softly.

Connor sat next to my bed and took my hand. I tried to sit up a little and Connor stopped me.

"Easy, you're still on an iv, take it slow," he said.

"You know I don't take things slow," I sassed.

Hank chuckled, "That's enough of that talk."

I smiled and looked at him, "Sorry old man."

"I'm glad you're ok kid."

"Me too."

He smiled and waked back out. Connor looked at me with a weird look in his eye.

"I'm glad you're ok."

"Me too. You may be able to recover in a day, but it's gonna take me a minute."

"And I'll be here every step of the way," he said.

My stomach fluttered and I kissed his hand again.


Spending a couple weeks in the hospital sucked ass, but when I came home and got to see Ollie I felt so much better. He ran over to me and Connor picked him up for me. I held him tightly and smiled. He meowed and purred into my chest.

"Such a lover," I said softly.

I put him down and turned to Connor. I grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him into a passionate kiss. i missed being able to do this. He chuckled and pulled away.

"Careful tour stitches don't get removed for another week."

"So we'll be gentle," I said pulling him back.

"That's... anything... but... gentle," he said in between kisses.

I pulled away smiling.

"I don't hear any complaints."

He smiled and kissed me back.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now