Haru: The three of us...
Yuki: We'll make our...
Rara: Dreams come true!
Unsion: One day, We'll be number one!
Haru: Haruki Sugiyama!
Yuki: Yukihiko Takamura!
Rara: And Rara Kawasaki!
Unsion: Starting, Pokémon Best Friends!
Haru and Yuki: (So far on Pokémon Best Friends!)
Haru: (I'm Haruki Sugiyama, or Haru for short. And this is my Partner, Riolu.)
Riolu: (Hi!)
Yuki: (I'm Yukihiko Takamura, or Yuki for short. And this is my Partner Zorua.)
Zorua: (Hey everyone!)
Haru and Yuki: (The two of us are Best Friends!)
Rara: (Hi, I'm Rara Kawasaki. And this is my Partner, Poli.)
Poliwag: Poli!
Haru: (Last time, We crash into Tangelo Island, Which Rara is familiar with. We soon find a baby Lapras that was being harassed by some men, But we managed to send them packing, As we also meet a boy named Tracey, Who decides to come along with us or meet Professor Oak..)
Yuki: (After trying to help it get comfortable around people, Team Rocket showed up and tried to take it away, But Ash managed to get Lapras back from them.)
Rara: (Now, We travel around the Orange Islands so Ash, Haru, And Yuki can battle against the Orange Crew and enter the Orange League. I wonder what their first challenge will be like.)
With The Six Trainers
The six Trainers and their Pokémon, Who were on their shoulders, Were now riding on Ash's Lapras' back over the sea on their Orange League Journey. As they were riding out, Lapras cries out happily making a little splash as the six Trainers and their Pokémon laugh at this, Except Rara and Poliwag who both fell asleep and on Misty's lap during the ride.
Misty: I think Lapras is having fun.
Tracey: Yeah. And even with all of us riding, Lapras has really good speed.
Haru: Yeah you're right. But...
Everyone looks towards Rara and Poliwag who were both asleep on Misty's lap.
Yuki: Yeah, How can Rara and Poliwag sleep through this?
Misty: Remember, It's only been a while since Rara has been on her Journey.
Tracey: Yeah. Maybe with the more exercise she gets she'll be just as active as us.
Lapras then makes another splash, But Pikachu accidentally let's go of Ash's shoulder as he flew off of Ash. Much to the five Trainers and their other Pokémon's suprise.
Pokémon Best Friends: Adventures In The Orange Islands
AdventureHaru: A lot of Pokémon, A lot of dreams! Yuki: The two of us together, Best Friends! Unison: Pokémon Best Friends, Starting now! This is the story of two childhood friends of Littleroot Town in the Hoenn Region, Named Haruki (Haru) Sugiyama and Yuki...