Chapter 25

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Niall stayed for a few hours before it started to get late and decided that he better head off and find out if Noelle had anywhere to stay for tonight. He still had to go back to the holiday house he and Noelle had been staying at and collect all their belongings. He sent Harry a text to let him know that he was leaving and that I was just about to go to sleep and that he should come back early in the morning. I was a little bit worried about this Harry and Caroline thing but I trust Harry now and I honestly don’t think he would leave out a second night, he admitted everything that night we got engaged. It would be pointless to leave it out.

Besides Caroline is an attention seeking whore, scuse my language, and she’d probably do anything to break Harry and I up. So basically what I’m trying to say is that Caroline Flack is a pathetic spiteful bitch! Glad I got that off my chest…

I slept like a baby until the drugs wore off and the back pain and the shooting pain in my ankle every time I moved it kicked in. My back pain was quite bad and I really didn’t have the patience to lie back in bed and wait for it to go away.  So I grabbed the buzzer that was beside the bed and pressed it. The door opened shortly after I pressed the buzzer and a young lady of about twenty five years appeared at the door. “Everything alright in here,” She asked curiously as she walked towards my bed and picked up my chart.

“My back is sore, I think the drugs have worn off,” I croak.

“Hmm, seems as though you’re right. I’ll get the doctor for you and we’ll get straight on that.” She nods with a cheery smiles and walks out of the room quickly. When she comes back she’s followed by an older lady wearing a white lab coat, she must be there doctor.

“Hello,” She says pausing quickly to look down at my chart to see my name, “Ms Tomlinson, how are you feeling this morning?” She asks again looking down at my chart to see why I’m in the hospital in the first place.

“Sore,” I tell her.

“Well we can fix that up it looks like you’re going home this morning so I’ll get your medication sorted out for you and we’ll get you ready to go home.” She smiles warmly at me and returns the chart to the end of the bed and walks out of the room. Yay painkillers!

I grab my phone from the side table; Niall was nice enough to go to the gift shop and buy me an iPhone charger so I could keep in contact with Harry. I turned my phone on and smiled when I saw that I had a lovely message from him.

To: Jessamine:)

From: Hazza

Goodnight beautiful I’ll come back in the morning at 7! I love you ♥

My heart does this fluttery thing and even though I’m in pain and I should be worried about this thing with Caroline he makes me happy and I’m so sure there’s absolutely no way that he could have gone back to her a second time and not told me about it.

“Hello beautiful,” I look up from my phone and the one and only Harry Styles is standing by the door with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Harry,” I coo.

“How did you sleep?” He asks as he walks over to me and leans over to give me a soft kiss and a gentle hug.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now