16 | the waiting game

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i was flying down the highway when i was forced to slow down due to a traffic jam. i was able to look a bit ahead of me to see what was causing the jam and it was a wreck between a mercedes benz and a g wagon.


i pulled over in the side of the road and got out of my car. i ran up to the scene that was filled with cops and ambulances. this is literally insane. this is definitely gianna's truck. i felt so sick.

the front of the benz was fucking totaled out and the driver's side of the wagon was dented in like a mf. hell it might be totaled too, it's up to the insurance company.

this mf had to be aiming for her ass because how the fuck..

"wh- what's going on?! what happened?!" i yelled to the crowd of cops and medics.

they looked at me with shock and then a paramedic came and took me to the side. "billie, are you ms. woodard's partner?" she said with a sincere look.

"yes! yes! now tell me what's going on now!" i said frantically, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"billie, gianna was hit by someone who ran a red light. they crashed right into her side of the truck and almost tipped it over." she told me, grabbing my arm for comfort.

i started sobbing. "wh- what is she okay? i- i couldn't get pass the traffic to make it to the hospital."

"the impact made her go unconscious. she was in critical condition and was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance-"

"cr- critical cond- oh my god i'm-" i cut myself off by throwing up on the ground, before collapsing on my knees.

the paramedic caught me mid drop and yelled "i need some water over here!"

she walked me over to the back of an ambulance truck, sat me down and gave me a bottle of water. "um who- um where's the driver who hit her?" i said after taking a sip of my water.

"he was taken to the hospital as well because he hit his head so hard on the windshield during impact, that the windshield cracked," she explained. "but after examinations, he will be questioned by the police."

"did they identify him?"

"i'm pretty sure they did during his ambulance ride because he was conscious, just hazy from pain," she nodded.

"did you get a look at him?"

"yeah he was black with like colored hair."

"colo- what color was his hair?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"um like a reddish or hot pinkish color," she looked up in thought.

i folded my lips in. i began shaking in fury. "i need to get to the hospital," i stood up. "take me."

"ms eilish im not sure-"

"that dude has had it out for my girlfriend for the longest. take. me. to. the. hospital.. now," i said sternly.

she nodded her head. "okay okay. i can get you a ride with the cops.. we need to get billie to the hospital now!" she yelled. "rob! clear the way and take her in your car!" she pointed at this police car. "you're gonna ride with him, go."


we arrived at the hospital after what seemed like the longest ride of my life. one of the policemen in the car interviewed me once they found out i knew him and he has a connection to gianna and i.

i went ahead and told them everything. the assault, the recording, how he probably hit her on purpose. i did not hold back, fuck him.

i ran in the ER and made it to gianna's room. "oh my god," i started crying. "my baby," i walked up to her.

she was still unconscious, lying there with a tube down her throat and something around her neck i guess to hold it in place? idk. she also had both legs in casts. her body was bruised tf up.

"s- so what is it? what's going on?" i asked the doctor.

"hi ms. o'connell, i am dr. lockwood. so both gianna's legs are broken but surprisingly her arms aren't. she only has strains in them that will heal over time. we're waiting on her head mri results to see if there's anything else we're dealing with," she said.

"but so far so good right?" i asked with a worried grin.

"ye-" the doctor was cut off but the loud beeping coming from the monitor.

"what- what's happening?!" i exclaimed.

"she's in v fib! i need to start compressions!" she yelled.

"i need you to step out billie," a nurse came in grabbed me.

"no! no!" i yelled, while two nurses pulled me out.

i stood outside the room crying until i saw the cops enter a patient's room nearby. i stood by the door and heard them say brandon and i got so furious. once i heard them walking towards the door, i quickly walked away.

they made their way down the hall and i went back and walked in the room. q shot his head up and his eyes grew wide. "billie wait-"

"you stupid son of a bitch!" i grabbed him by his hospital gown and pulled him to me. i slammed him back down and started punching his body.

"b i'm sorry! i'm sorry i didnt mean for it to be this bad!" he cried.

"they kicked me out because they had to perform cpr sev!" i started sobbing. "if you killed gianna i swear to god-"

"ma'am we need you step out now!" police came in and grabbed me by my arms.

"remember this q!" i yelled before they pushed me out.

"billie we know you're upset but you cannot assault him. it will just add to the chaos," they explained. "they need you back in ms. woodard's room."

i ran to her room and she was back stable with a normal heart beat. "so ms. o'connell we have gianna's mri results and she has a brain bleed. we need to get her to surgery right away."

"a- a brain bleed? but how?"

"okay so the impact of the crash caused her cerebrum to whip backward and forward, violently striking against the front and back of her skull," she explained. "the thrashing about of the brain caused blood vessels to rupture, allowing blood to collect between the brain and skull."

"okay so go fix it, do the surgery!" i exclaimed.

"the only problem is, since this is a rather dangerous surgery we need consent to do it and even though you're her emergency contact, you aren't her next of kin," they explained.

"so call her parents!" i yelled.

"we've been calling them for over an hour back to back now. we cannot wait any longer we need to do this surgery now. do you know any other family she has?" the doctor asked me.

"wha- no- me! i'm her immediate family! she has no one else. her parents are always busy and away. she has me! i'm her fucking girlfriend!" i yelled.

"yes ms. o'connell you're her girlfriend but not her legal spouse, therefore i cannot legally take your consent," the doctor tried to reason.

"dr. lockwood, we're running out of time. we need to do this surgery now before she bleeds out," the nurse said.

"do the damn surgery now or i will sue this place for everything y'all have." i demanded sternly, gritting my teeth.

she saw the seriousness in my eyes. "alright. tell O.R. we're coming up for an emergency surgery. let's go!" they rolled gianna out and i was escorted into the waiting room.

here's to an anxious wait... i need to call my people.. no. our people. my family is gianna's family too.

a/n: not me throwing in medical terminology lmaoooo

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