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You both walked through the portal and were quickly met by glares of judgment. And quickly they went back to their little thing. Clearly neverminding the fact the two of you walked out of a glowing magic portal.

Wait.... Dad...

You turned around seeing that the portal wasn't there. He must've closed it and used magic to hide it in the first place.

"Alright.. Uh I don't usually know where to go in these things." Peter said looking to you with a shy smile.

"Well, suppose we should go to the dance floor first right?" You questioned before leading him forward.

"Heh I guess so." Peter said following after yourself.

He suddenly took the lead and began to walk towards the school. Just as the pair of you reached the steps leading up to the school. You caught something just in the corner of your eye.

"Pete." You stopped suddenly which had him turn around to look to you.

Your magic may have been gone but the slight sliver of power you had left you witnessed the strand of orange light that connected Liz and her father. Peter looked over to the positioned car.

His whole gleeful demeanour dropped suddenly. His gaze was focused entirely on that car. Liz was with some other guy obviously but her dad was giving off bad vibes. So bad that you felt a shiver run down your spine. You held onto his hand before rising up to where he stood.

He looked down before his gaze shifted back to you.

"I've got to go." He said with his grip loosening against your hand.

You growled holding onto his hand tighter.

"I'm not letting this separate us.. Not again."

"No, I can't let you get hurt." Peter quickly pulled away before running off towards the school.

Frowning you followed after him. Running to try and keep pace with him.

"Listen I'm going with you!" You exclaimed before you followed him towards one of the hallways.

He grabbed his equipment which had you frown before running to your own locker. In it were a few school supplies. You reached to grab a pencil and eraser. They quickly morphed into your dragonfang and a shield baring the mark of the Vishanti.

You pushed a button on each of the handle before they morphed back.

Peter quickly rushed off to the dancefloor. Where you followed after.

As you followed Peter onto the dancefloor. Where he started to talk back to Ned. You listened closely before the two septated running in opposite directions.

Hurriedly you followed after Peter. Trying to keep pace with him was hard.

"Peter wait!" You exclaimed before running out the door with him.

Before your very eyes Peter was shot off slamming into the bus adjacent to him. Your eyes focused at the source. A large and muscular black man with iron fists looked over to you. You held the eraser and pencil up. Invoking the magic of the pencil and eraser by pressing the button. The two transformed instantly into a sword and shield.

You held up the shield and lifted up the blade to rest by it's side.

"Who the hell's this guy?" He exclaimed before loading his fist.

You frowned before quickly slashing your sword in the air. Just as nothing came out the man walked forward and slammed his fist forward. Your eyes quickly widened before you lifted up the shield. With a great crack from the shield. As fist met shield a golden magic surrounded the shield before it shot the both of you backwards.

Caught In A Web /Peter Parker X Male Reader/Where stories live. Discover now