Mindlessly my feet carried me through the hallway. The events replayed in my head over and over. The feel of her seemingly lifeless body in my hands was haunting. I know it wasn't real but that didn't stop the stabbing in my heart. How everything reset to replay again. Has she been reliving my death everyday for the last year?
My hand shook as I pushed the key into the look. When I was able to clear the fog from my brain I was sitting on her bed with my knees to my chest and my back against the wall. Exhaustion weighed over me but I wasn't ready to allow myself sleep. I didn't want her to have to keep reliving that memory anymore. There has to be a way to snap her out of it. She needs to remember.
"Now you see what I was talking about" Bekka said once I closed the door behind me.
Brushing my hair out of my face I struggled for words. "I never imagined she would be that bad. It's worse than anything I could have thought of" I managed to say. Bekka nodded showing a glimmer of sadness as she did so. For a period of time the both of us stared at the familiar wooden door. I cleared my throat and asked, "Has she been like that since the incident?" I need to know.
"She has" Bekka answered. She turned her attention away from the door and straightened her posture. "For a year I haven't seen any improvement only decline. It's always the same series of events. You come into the room just in time to be shot. She tries to save you then fails" she explained. There was a short pause before she continued, "At first she was more aware of where she was, what was going on. But each time she failed to keep you alive it took it's tole on her."
I frowned staring past Bekka at the wall. Some how I should I have worked faster to get to her. I was four years late maybe if I could have found a way to only be three I could have saved her.
The question that's been sitting in the back of my mind made itself known again. "What did they do to her? I have to know" I asked. My fists clenched at my sides while I thought the worst. It had to be the worst.
Bekka didn't respond right away but I could feel her eyes studying me. "I will tell you but you must know now is not the time for revenge. That time will come but it will be after Freya is free" she said.
There's not a doubt in my mind, I will get my revenge. Whoever is the cause will suffer. "I know" I told her finally bringing my eyes back to her.
"Wonkru, they are the reason she is in pain. Blodreina ordered her capture. Andi went missing, Freya later found her in the stedaunon. To save her she had no choice but to hold of Wonkru while Andi fled. They tortured her for information on Trikovakru for weeks" she explained emotionlessly.
"Tell me their names!" I demanded.
Bekka shook her head, "When the time comes I will point them out to you."
I will kill all of Wonkru if I need to. I thought she'd be save from this when Nia died. Octavia was suppose to be Freya's friend, her allay. How could she order this? My anger built steadily until it exploded. "Ahh!" I let out a yell as my fist met the wall. Leaning against the wall I seethed unable to take the anger from my tone. "How do I save, Freya?" I asked roughly.
"You have to get her to remember" Bekka said.
I have to bring back her memories. Some how some way I had to make it happen. Crossing my legs I set my hands on my knees and closed my eyes. Letting myself relax I fell into a state of meditation to access the flame.
Opening my eyes I stood outside the same wooden door. It use to bring a sense of calm to see it at the end of a long tiresome day. Then happiness knowing Freya would be inside to spend time with me. Yet now when I looked at it I was filled with a feeling of dread. Dread that I would have to hold her lifeless body in my arms again. See her struggle in pain.

No Hero: Lost Among the Flame
FanfictionBook two Eight years ago Lexa narrowly lived through a bullet to the chest. For years she's survived on earth separated from her hodnes, with Clarke and a young nightblood. With the landing of the ship that launched to avoid the nuclear melt down th...