What now?

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Alison's POV

We are in my room, i could walk upstairs, with help but i could. She's looking at me. Well, i have to speak now, i've been waiting for this moment for so long. She's gonna spend the night here, i have all the time to tell her everything i wanted before this crazy thing happened. I wanna get her back, i wanna be with her again . I have to do it now.

"Emily" i finally say. She keeps looking at me. I don't know where to start... "I'm sorry, for what happened in the party" she gets closer to me.

"Ali, i know the truth, I'm the one who has to say sorry, i didn't give you a chance to explain" she says with a sad face.

"It's okay Em. But i want you to know that i would never do that to you. It was a stupid thing Caleb did" i say feeling sad too.

"I know Ali" she says looking att he ground.

"Forgive me please" i basically beg, i can't keep living with this fault i feel inside.

"You didn't do anything" she says looking at me again.

I stay quiet, that means she's not mad at me anymore, now it's my chance to get her back.

"I-i missed you, everyday since we broke up" saying that she broke up with me kind of shocked me.

"I missed you too" she says with a little smile

We stay in silence. I don't know what to say, i'm totally blocked. I look at my hands, my fingers are shaking.

"Ali... did you hear me talking when you were in coma?" She asks with a sad face again.

"Yeah... when i woke up i heard someone crying. I couldn't move, then i heard you talking" that's all i remember from when i was in coma, i'm sure they all talked to me lots of times but i didn't heard... i was really sleeping.

"Y-you heard me?" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah. You said that if i couldn't keep fighting i could go" i say with a sad voice.

I didn't stop to think about what she said, she was so desperate, she really thought i was never going to wake up. She stays quiet, i see a tear falling down her face, but she instantly take it off. Then she looks at me with those tearing up eyes.

"I thought i wouldn't be able to talk to you again, to hug you, to be with you again" she says with more tears.

"When i heard your voice... i realized that i had to move or do something" i say with my eyes tearing up too. Everytime i see her crying i cry too, i hate to see her like this "You gave me the strength i needed to do it Em"

"Ali..." she starts, but she doesn't finish.

We stay in silence a few seconds, but it was ll the time i needed to remember every word she said when i woke up.

"I heard you say you loved me" i say looking at her. I just remember.

"I do" she says looking straight at my eyes. When she does that i know what she said is really true.

I start to cry. She stills love me, i have a chance to be with her again, i need to be with her again.

"Em, i hate to be like this you. I want things like they were, i want to be with you again, i want to kiss you, i want to hug you, i want to swim in the lake with you, Em, i love you too and i want to be with you" i say looking at her brown eyes.

She stays quiet, looking at me. Then she come closer and she sits next to me. She grabs my hand.

"Em" i say, but she cuts me.

Finally (Emison)Where stories live. Discover now