Erza POV
We all got back to the Toy Shop I was rubbing my neck from the grip Letty ask, "You okay" I shake my head said, "I'm not all right" Dom kneels ask "What happen" I look at him I said, "I expect Y/n to not hurt me because I love him, but he grabbed my neck and he said, 'You may love, Y/n, but the name is Apocalypse'".
Looking down a tear fell from my eyes "He left with some guy" Letty ask, "What did look like" I look at her said "Ginger hair with a beard" Letty sits down Tej as Dom looks at me, he said, "We'll get Y/n back Erza" I look at him I said, "I know" Little Nobody arrive Luke ask "Anything"?
Little Nobody shake his head he said, "They're gone" I frown more "And DOD confirmed it was a nuclear football" We look at one another "He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes" Roman walks around "I don't know what it is, but they're building towards something" Dom stands up he ask, "What about Shaw" Little Nobody shake his head said "He didn't make it" Luke gets up and punch a door making a dent.
I put my mask on my waist walk to see Elena and Seilah again I walk to the window Cipher said, "I'm impress in you, Y/n" I look around "You gave me a great performance as Apocalypse, but you were gonna let Erza walk away with the codes" I yell "You have the codes".
Cipher said "Apocalyse got the codes with Rhodes" I look towards the window "You made the choice to let her go and now I have to make one of my own" I see Cipher inside the room holding Dom's kid the lights turn on to reveal Elena strap to a chair with duct tape on her mouth struggle, Seilah in the same position.
A soldier holding Chad who struggles covering his mouth and Rhodes in the room I look at Cipher I look to Elena and Seilah both struggling I look to Chad who had his hand out to me his voice muffle I look to Cipher who looks at Dom's kid "They are adorable little things, aren't they".
Dom's kid looks at Cipher "God, I hope I don't hurt them" I look at Cipher who looks to me I said "Look, I did exactly what you asked me to do" I shake my head "Don't do this" But Cipher said "This is your doing" I yell "My doing" I hear Chad yell "Daddy" I look over to Chad the soldier lower his hand.
Chad reach out "Save Mummy, Daddy" I back to Cipher I said, "Don't hurt them, Cipher" Cipher walk forward said "I don't want you" I stare at her "I want Apocalypse and to learn" I stare at her I hit the window yell "Learn what" Cipher said, "I understand why you did what you did, I really do".
I look over to Chad who still reaches out to me yell "Daddy" The soldier cover his mouth again I look back at Cipher "But it was the wrong choice" She stares at me "This is the consequence of that" I notice Elena and Seilah shaking their head and Rhodes start to pull his gun out Elena muffles "No, no, no".
I gulp look at Cipher I said "I'll let you have Apocalypse" I grab my mask and place it on becoming emotionless.
Apocalypse POV
Staring at Cipher who said, "There you are" I said "Seilah" I look to her "Remember what I told you" Seilah stares at me crying "Remember what I said in this situation" Slowly Seilah start to go emotionless as Rhodes cock his gun Elena muffles "No, no" Rhodes aim Elena who looks to me "Save yours and Dom's son".
Seilah close her eyes and Rhodes fires killing both Elena and Seilah I look to Chad who screaming behind the soldiers mouth I look to Dom's kid who cries from the noise and Cipher shushing him I look back to Chad then Cipher said "Let his kid go" The soldier puts Chad down on the floor.
Chad runs to the window hitting it crying he said "Daddy" I kneel down in front of him Chad crying I said "Relax" Chad looks at me "Calm, no tears" Chad keeps crying "Brave" Chad sniffs slowly starts to stop "Say what I said" Chad still crying said "Relax, calm, no tears" Chad wipes his hand looking at me "Brave".