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Instead of walking he took the lift and hoped to stop Anakin before talking to the Chancellor. He felt that something was very off with his relationship. As he walked by the meal hall, he glanced inside catching a glimpse of the very padawan as he was grabbing something to go. As he got close to him, he noticed he drained one cup of stimcaf before filling and draining a second.

"You know in the time it will take that stimcaf to work you could have just meditated and used the Force to wake you up."

"Master Surik, I could but I don't have time." He took a large bite of the sandwich he had made.

"Or have you not learned how yet?" Revan walked with Anakin as he moved out of the meal hall as he ate.

"I do know, but I told you I have problems meditating."

"Yes you said the Force is too loud. This makes it even more important to meditate. Sometimes even the Force is too loud for me, but when I meditate it realizes I want to listen and gets quiet." Revan looked to see that what he said was sinking in. The boy looked really tired.

"Look I have to get going and convince the Chancellor that Padme, I mean the Senator needs to heed the council's ruling."

"I'll come with, as I want to know how you know the chancellor. Plus, I see that you are not sleeping."

"Chancellor Palpatine is from Naboo as well. He has become a father figure for me over the years. He has taught me a lot. As far as me not sleeping it is because I am having dreams about my mother. I left her on Tatooine and I have not seen her since. Maybe I am dreaming about her since I met Padme again." Revan took this in and then he felt his anger rise as what he was not saying. He needed to know more so he just asked.

"Is your mother still a slave?" A deep sadness and a hint of buried anger radiated from the boy to make him concerned. This was not a good thing if something happened to his mother and he could feel it. Something was telling him he needed to find her for Anakin.

"I don't know. I can't even send her a letter." That made up his mind. This boy still had his attachment and until he learned to let go of the ones, he loved he would be vulnerable. Revan was not sure why he wanted to help as he had his investigation, but the Force was suddenly screaming through the dark side with glee. Yes, the dark side wanted this boy to fall.

"Here write down how I can find your mother, but I will need a ship." Anakin grabbed his datapad and his fingers flew over the touch screen.

"I have just the ship for you. Been working on it and the embedded droid too. I hope you can fly a fighter and oh come on." Anakin nearly ran from there telling him everything he wanted Revan to tell his mother. As he rushed into his room and then back out he handed him a credit stick he was to give to his mother. With that Revan went to requisitions and asked for his stipend and an allowance for his investigation. Getting several thousand dataries and told to account for every penny. He didn't even have to mind trick the young clerk. He went back to the meal hall ate his fill before retrieving the newer lightsabers he had built to replace the two that were taken. He liked these much better as they slid into the hidden slots without issue.

An hour later he climbed into this blue and white Delta 7 fighter. It had different weapons and what looked like future engine replacements behind it. As he walked around the fighter the droid came alive and showered him with questions that he did not feel like answering. It was not until he climbs up the side that the droid did not shut up only to then start to scream.

"Oh, be quiet. Anakin said you were a motor mouth." Revan tapped a code on his data pad and the canopy opened. Getting in the fighter was a shock and a surprise as the controls had not changed in thousands of years. As his hands flew over the different controls firing up the repulsorlift he was shocked that there were really no changes in the quality of fighter technology. As the ship rose in the air, he pointed it to the exit door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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