06 Demonology

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The Institute was called-in to assist on a Demon Attack. After briefing, the four of us went to get Clary.

We heard her mother is ordered to roll-in to Idris, to be closely monitor by the Clave. Most likely Clary's going to go with her mom, possibly living there in Alicante. I just hope they'll wait for Jace's trial before leaving. He's their family too.

Clary's going to love it there — the place is spectacular. We don't call it City of Glass for no reason.

"Do we have to? They're already four of us." Alec complains while walking we're in the living quarters hallway.

"We're not doing this because we're a man down, we're doing this because she's Jace sister." Izzy enunciates.

"Also, I've been training her and she's gotten really good. She needs to stage her skills." I said, proudly.

"You hate coaching people." Lei snarly countered.

"I like coaching decent fighters. Of all the trainees I've encountered, she's the only one who can keep up with my pace. She's going to do great in Idris." I stated and I heard Alec scoffed.

When we turn to the corner we saw Jocelyn talking to Clary.

"Demon attack downtown. One Mundane dead." Izzy informed when we approached them.

"And you're coming with us." I added.

"Wait. You want me on your team?" Clary questioned, excitedly.

"Unless you want to be in patrol. Gear up." Alec irritably said before leaving.

"Welcome to the team." Lei said, commending Clary before following Alec.


Luke met the five of us at the scene of the crime. He's the one who called the assist, saying it was reported at the Police Station. We put glamour at the scene to shield it from mundanes.

"Well, this is one nasty demon." my parabatai commented. I crouch down across her, beside the dead mundane.

"Punch a hole through his chest." I noted, noticing the massive hole.

"With that kind of strength, I doubt it's done yet." Luke mused behind me.

"Nothing in the immediate area." Alec announce as he returns from securing the perimeter.

"Neither in the skyline." Lei said after he jumped down from the roof of an apartment "That kind of attack usually results in spree, it's odd we only found one body."

"Nothing else was reported in the police scanner." Luke spoke.

"We're taking the body back at the Institute." Izzy said as she stands up putting a swab in a container box "Maddie and I will run some test to see what kind of demon we're dealing with."

"Iz, I bet he's missing a heart." I spoke suddenly, after I finished further examining the body. I stand up removing my medical gloves "We need to find it."

"I'm on it." Lei spoke.

"Clary and I will widen the perimeter." Alec asserted, then he kissed my forehead before looking at Clary's direction "Hey, Fray! We got Demon to hunt. Come on." he shouted before he walked away, not waiting for Clary.


"Take him down to the morgue. And call as soon as you identify what kind of demon we're looking for." Lydia commanded as Izzy and I wheel the stretcher to the elevator "Until Victor comes back from the trial, I'm running point on this one." she added before walking away as I pressed the elevator button.

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