Letters To Esme (once again personifying a part of my head. or maybe its god)

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Esme, darling
I kind of need you right now
Can we talk?
I dont know what about
I just need something
I don't know what.
Esme, please
Tell me what this means
And if life is worth living
And if I am irrelevant
And if I am stupid
And If I am ugly
And if I am worthless
And if I'm going crazy
And if there is any hope for me left at all.

Because I just want to talk to you
Because I have no one else left
And I love you so very much
My dear
And I cannot speak
So would you speak for me?
Before this all turns to dust in my hands
And slips though my grasping fingers
Grain after grain.
Esme, thank you
For the breath in my lungs
Now just give me back
My sanity.

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