Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was finally Friday and we had to do that auction thing today. My period had reduced to nothing, making me feel all better and gone back to normal. I had one more day left of my period, which felt so amazing.

I went to one meet with Kazimir and Lorenzo. They had changed up a few territory rules and the way they do shipments which was probably needed. I didn't really do a lot of input, I mostly listened. I saw Vincenzo and got up to join him.

We walked around the back garden, enjoying the view and the large garden. Lorenzo had a large yard and had grape vines stretching far and wide. Our arms were hooked into each other and just talking.

"I want you to wear something specific tonight," he says.

"Vince, what exactly do you want me wearing?"

"A dress I had made for you, all your measurements are correct. It will fit perfectly."

"So that's why you had my measurements taken?"

"It will come later on today. Do your best and keep your Russian to himself, don't let him ruin the dress."

"He's not touching me anytime soon."

"Hmmm, trouble in paradise?"

"There was never paradise to begin with," I remarked.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night."

Which is nothing, except him. My sleep hasn't been that bad as it was before. I just got a bit restless, but I went to sleep easy. I don't wake up during the night, but I wake up early in the morning. I just feel so irritated now. We walked around the pool and we were heading back inside.

"Let's keep walking for a bit."

"No you need to go get ready, you have a long day," he said.

"All I have to do is put on a dress and do my makeup."

"No, I have more than that for you."

"Vince, it's an auction party not play dress up."

"Don't be so negative, you will like it, I know you will," he grins.

"Okay okay, whatever you say."

We walked back inside of the house and Kazimir was sitting down on the couch in one of the living rooms. Lorenzo was across from him with two women at his side. Kazimir's gaze went to me and he immediately got up. It was like he was waiting on me.

He was quick to leave and I think it was because he was tired of Lorenzo. He's bearable to a minimum, he wasn't all that. I said by to Vinny and I paid no mind to Lorenzo as we left.

We got into the car and it was silent for the most part. He was on his phone and I wanted to say something to him. He looked up from his phone and he turned off his phone.

I wasn't talking to him that much, it was the bare minimum of what you call talk. I was still mad, even though the sex was great and hot as hell. It was just annoying.

I looked down at my legs and I tried to find something off about my clothes or my outfit. There was nothing for me to pick at. We went from talking all the time to talking not at all.

It was my choice, but it was also different. Everyone in the villa picked up on it as well. Arriving back to the villa, there were cars there that I didn't recognize and neither did Kazimir. He looked at it and he walked inside of the Villa.

I went in and it wasn't what I was expecting. There were stylists and there was also a dress all set being fixed up. This is what Vincenzo meant by I had a lot to do.

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