Chapter 49 - The Truth

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A/N- The pic attached is actually the original first cover I had for this fanfic I made over this summer 2014, but I didn't like it so it changed a lot and now the cover is what it is today!

Check me out on Instagram @ kattheabnegation

I post stuff on this fanfic and then some on my sometimes on that Instagram so yeah...

Enjoy the chap!

Chapter 49 - The Truth


I head up toward the train around six fifty to catch the seven o'clock train with whoever is going to this meeting.

There is probably around seven or eight people already outside the stop. Josh and some other leaders were going earlier, so they aren't here. I do recognize some ambassadors, Control Room people and other leaders. There's also some other people that don't even work in or near the Main Building, but they probably heard from the word getting around as like I spread it with my friends.

"Four!" I hear a feminine voice call my name. I turn around and see Zeke, Christina and... my mother?

"Mom? What are you doing?" I ask trying to not be rude. I'm just being curious.

"I figured I'd tag along for the trip, if that's okay." She says chuckling.

I just laugh lightly in reply.

I see that George and Amar now walking down the hallway toward us, hand in hand laughing at something that Amar had said. It's so nice that they are accepted here no matter that they are married.

It is truly free here.

"Hey. What's up?" Zeke says once they get closer.

"Word got around about the meeting, se we decided to tag along. Plus, I'd like to fight to get my sister back as well." George says chuckling at the last part.

I had completely forgot that I haven't seen him since everyone was told who is in that building from what we found.

Zeke pulls out his phone. "The train should be here any minute now. It's almost seven." He says, then puts his phone back in his pocket.

A few minutes later the train whistle blows signaling that it is coming. We all get up to the platform and get ready to start running.

The train starts charging by and we all start to run. I am last of the group. My mother is infront of me, and Chris is infront of her. I don't really know the order infront of her.

Chris grabs onto the train and throws herself in with ease. My mother knows how to get on and off of trains from when the factionless use to use them from time to time. She gets her arm on the door and gets in the train with ease. Then I get myself in to get out of the way for others behind me.

The ride to the Hub is around fifteen minutes.

* * *

We all file into the Hub and follow the wave of around thirty Dauntless up the stairs.

I'd imagine that we are probably going to the twenty-second floor because that's usually where most of the important meetings are held.

I just can't help but wonder how many people are actually going to be at this meeting from all of the factions.

I mean, Dauntless only has like a little more then ten leaders, and there's like thirty of us going.

Hopefully they have a big room for us all, or else we are going to be pretty smushed. It also could be hard for your voice to be heard if there's so many people. Also me being claustrophobic would not enjoy that too much...

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