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Azura's POV

I laid on my bed. 

Anxiously waiting for Kane to come back but hoping he wouldn't. I knew he was aggressive but, this is his first time actually laying his hands on me. 

There is nothing special about me so I don't understand why he insists on keeping me here. We have only met a few times before I decided to stop seeing him. Now, I'm locked up in a house surrounded with guards. 

I have to find a way to leave here. Maybe the next time I see Paige. 

Almost an hour later, I hear a key enter and the knob turning. I quickly sat up and watched Kane walk into my room. He had some blood on his lip, which he wiped off without looking at me. 

"Kane..." I said lowly. "Why do you..." He cut me off with a roll of his eyes. "I got into it with Charlotte's father." He walked closer to me but I did not move. 

I have every reason to be afraid of what he can and might do to me, but I will not let him see that. "Kane, you need to let me go." I stand up just to be pushed back down onto the bed. "I do not have to do anything." 

I bounced on the bed and looked up at him. I saw his eyes full of anger. How does his mood change so quickly? I will never understand that. 

I was only just now looking at Kane. Really, looking at him. 

He is tall. Not an excessive much taller than me but still taller. His eyes give a sense of darkness and danger even though they are a beautiful light hazel. His neck is long and his jaw is sharp. His chest is wide and strong. Legs and arms long. His long black hair tried to fall and cover his eyes but failed. 

He was absolutely gorgeous . Any girl would love to go to bed with him I'm sure. Every girl but me. I want everything but that.

"Do you have a formal dress?" He asked. I furrowed my brows up at him genuinely confused. I think about if I do. I have many formal dresses. Of course I do. "I do." 

"For a ball?"

"A ball?" I question. Now I'm worried. "Why would I need a formal dress for a ball?" He looked down at me as if I was the stupidest thing on Earth. His eyes studied me. "Because I'm taking you to a ball."

"When?" I asked now standing. This seems to irritate him since he puts both hands on my shoulders and pushes me down. "Tomorrow." I shook my head. "I'm not going." He sighed and grabbed my jaw, "You are going and you will stop acting like you have any control." He said angrily before shoving my face to the side. 

"Why do I have to go?" 

"Because I said so." He began rummaging through my clothes. Surely looking at my 'formal' dresses. He turned and gave me a disapproving look. "None of these are good enough." I scoffed and closed my closet doors. "I will have one of my men take you to buy a dress." He was about to leave my room but I pulled him back. 

"What is it now Azura?" He sounded irritated with me but I didn't care. "If you're going to force me to go to this ball with you, can I at least go with Paige." I looked into his eyes hopefully. "Please Kane, your men are rude and well... men." I said. "Fine, whatever." 

He left the room soon after agreeing. 

Thank god I won't have to spend the day looking for a ball dress with some man I don't even know. 

I get up and decide to go outside to the garden. I spent most of the day locked up in that room and I needed some fresh air. I decide to help one of the servants to water and add the plants. 

His Prisoner (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now