Cheating || l.h.

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You shook your head in disbelief as Calum's words seem to come into play. You were drunk but not that drunk.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't think he was the type." Calum rested his hand on your shoulder yet you shrugged it off.

"He's not the type to cheat, Calum." You spat at him, shaking you head as you crossed your arms over your chest. "I know Luke, he wouldn't do this to me." Your eyes welled up with tears, half because you weren't 100% sober and half because of Calum's word. You glared at him as Calum stared sympathetically over at you. "Stop looking at me like I'm crazy! I know he wouldn't cheat and so do you!"

"I thought he wasn't the type till I saw him making out with some blonde in that nightclub last week." You shook your head repeatedly.

Your head shot towards the door of your apartment and before Calum could get a word in, the door was pushed open and there stood Luke Hemmings.

You couldn't hold back the tears anymore now that he was standing in front of you, his smile slowly fading when he saw you crying.

"Calum what did you do to her?" Luke snapped, rushing towards you, attempting to engulf you in a hug. You pushed him away, whimpering as tears fell from your eyes.

"Stop it." You snapped at the both of them. "One of your is lying and I want to know who it is."

Calum attempted to pulling you into his arms but you pushed him back, pushing his arms off you as he tried his chances again.

"Cal, what the hell?" Luke's voice raised as he pushed Calum away from you. You whimpered, turning to Luke and wrapping your arms around his torso, tightly hugging him. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He whispered, rubbing his hands along your arms soothingly.

"Is Calum telling the truth?"

"What did he tell you?"

"Did you cheat on me?" You pulled back from his chest and looked up at him, ignoring Calum who was angrily stood to the side of you two.

Luke's eyebrows furrowed together as he stared down at you in confusion. "Cheat on you?" Luke scoffed. "You think I would honestly cheat on you?" He pulled away from you, staring at you in disgust.

"Calum said-"

"What exactly did you tell her Calum?" Luke snapped, focusing his attention on his best friend.

The anger from Calum's face seemed to seethe as he looked at Luke.

"I- I mean, I just-"

"You fucking liar!" You raised your voice, tears swelling in your eyes again, falling rapidly this time. "How could you do that to me? Or to Luke! You supposed best friend?" You were pushing Calum, trying to take your anger out on him, but your drunken state wasn't helping too much.

"I'm sorry, okay!" Calum yelled, pushing you off of him causing you to stumble backwards, almost falling over if you hadn't quickly regained your balance.

"Don't touch her." Luke growled at Calum, taking you into his arms and holding you close to his chest. You sobbed quietly, shaking you head as you apologised again and again and again for trusting Calum over him.

You heard the door slam shut causing you to jump. You looked up at Luke and shook your head vigorously. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorr-"

"Y/N, it's okay." Luke cooed. "You're a little drunk, so let's get you to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow." He began guiding you upstairs, his arm around your waist as you tried not to fall over.

He scooped you up in his arms and laid you down on the bed as you reached your shared bedroom. He pulled the covers over you before climbing in beside you.


"Baby, go to sleep." He whispered. He leaned over and pulled you into his embrace, as you rested your head on his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I rushed this sm omg, sorry, lmao.

honestly I can't be bothered reading TIS over for mistakes and shit so ignore any if they're seen.

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