beat this

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they find the determination to get through this when they tell their daughter.

ian had been instructed to go back into the room while the other made phone calls. it seemed to be the only way mickey could handle the situation. telling people fuelled as a distraction.

there was a mental list. mandy, she had fallen quiet at the words before telling mickey she'd be there soon. Fiona, the word tumour had sent her into tears and the man barely got a word in after that. Debbie, who had just gotten home and called out for sandy as the news broke. carl, he could only let out a shaky string of cusses before informing him he would get on a flight as soon as possible. Liam, who only sighed and apologised sincerely. Franny was at work and instantly informed her uncle she would leave as soon as she could. Veronica and Kevin, they were people who were important to ian, that only showed more when the man asked a scared 'what?' while his wife cried.

a final two names fell to mickeys mind when he hung up. yet, that wasn't information you gave to a sibling over the phone. mickey gave out a sigh before moving back into the room. "I'm going to go get jasper and nyx," he informed before slipping away again. it didn't even give lip or ian a chance to completely see him.

ian had been sitting with his hand encased in amias for so long that it sat heavy and needled. the doctors had informed him that she would wake soon. however, he was hoping, more than anything, that the girl would wake up after mickeys return. he couldn't tell her alone.

yet that isn't how life works. just like how you can't conjure up a perfect life for your children and have them live it out. it was only seconds after mickey disappeared that her eyelids began fluttering.

the eyes came back to life. they had cracked to reveal their usual pale green. for a second they seemed calm. only for a fleeting second. then they landed on ians tear-stained face. "what happened?" she rasped.

ian hated the way the words had a rough edge from a tired mind. "you just had a seizure." he sighed, it was an attempt of making the words seem like a minority in life. "but it's okay, we are going to get you better." he added in a quieter voice. it was here just as much to convince her as it was to him.

amia seemed to believe it more than him. she nodded and brought their joint hands to ians cheek. "don't cry dad." she plead in a gentle effort to wipe away the moisture.

he attempted a nod and some form of a laugh. "okay." ian sniffed looking over the girl's body to lip. the movement caused her to look over. much like ian, a weak smile broke when she saw her uncle.

however, lips presence forced her to think of someone else who should've been there. "where's pops?" she asked turning back to her dad.

"just went to pick up your brother and sister." he hummed attempting a wider smile. when the movement reached the corners of his lips it hurt, like trying to stretch a sore muscle. "he will be back soon."


soon seemed to be longer than ian anticipated. when the three entered you could from their faces they knew. those kids have always been able to hide their emotions from most of their faces, but that skill failed at their eyes.

everyone knew this, even amia. that's why she looked over her siblings with a confused glance. she was still blissfully in the dark about the whole situation and couldn't understand why they were so sad.

her doubt was clear. mickey understood that and dashed over to the girl. he kissed her forehead, it was so much more meaningful than she knew. "you're awake, sorry i wasn't here." he mumbled into the skin. after breaking it he remembered the others who filled the room. "can we have a moment guys?" he asked gesturing for them all to file out.

as they left amias face grew to a bigger panic. yet she would never express that to either man. "I'm tired, can i go back to sleep?" she asked in avoidance of whatever it was.

mickeys hand fled to her hair just to brush over it slowly. "in a second pumpkin, we just gotta talk about something." he hummed attempting to hide any sadness.

the words only settled the panic in the girl's stomach. both her parents shared a look. it was a quiet exchange to argue who would say whatever it was. "they took some tests when you came in." ian started. he took a breath to continue as if he stopped he would be able to get the courage to go on. "they found a tumour, on your brain"

tears rose to her eyes. it was a quick change in facial expression. the fathers only reaction was to wrap her in their arms. she only let the tear flea when she was securely underneath them.

mickeys arm moved over her back to hold ian closer. that's all they could ask for at that moment. to be closer than humanly possible and for it to stay that way until the girl got better.

"i don't want to die." she managed out between heavy hiccups. it wasn't just a wish or desire it was beg mixed with a plea.

ian just pulled her in tighter. "you aren't baby." he promised but anyone within a mile could feel how empty the words were. it's wasn't that he wanted them to be hollow, he wanted it to be true but he knew it wasn't that simple.

mickeys head turn to face the door but still sat on amias. he couldn't watch her fall apart over her own mortality but he knew he had to be there.

the words sunk in for a while. they all had to admit it was real at that moment. they only knew it was over when the girl moved her body ever so slightly. "can i go to sleep? I'm tired." she repeated.

both men nodded instantly and back away from her. "of course." the elder hummed moving himself off the bed. "dad and i are just going to step into the hallway, you sleep." he encouraged.

they were met in the hallway with lip holding nyx, jasper sitting away slightly and mandy standing on the opposite side with her arms crossed. it was a heavy clouded mood between them. ian and mickey could only add to that.

ian had barely closed the door before he completely collapsed, his tears pushing him to the ground. his husband was quick in an attempt to catch him, yet when that failed he just sunk to the floor with him. "she can't die mick." he sobbed.

all the other could do was hold the boy. "she's strong, she can beat this." he whispered truthfully.

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