Chapter 56: Olivia is a Newtmas Shipper (Stan Her😼)

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Gally's Point of View

"Listen, I dunno, man" Alex shrugs after I tell him the strange encounter I had with Liv and how she acted as if she didn't want to be near me at all. "I'm sure you're just overreacting"

"Oh, so it's 'overreacting' to think that something is up when I tell her that I love her, and she replies with 'you too'?" I huff.

"Maybe she was really busy and had to go somewhere. You know how girls are"

"No. I don't. I can only remember two girls, and one is unconscious, and the other is shucking confusing"

"Even though she's your girlfriend?"


"Speaking of Olivia, where is she?"

"I'm not sure. She ran off towards the forest and I haven't seen her since"

That got me thinking. Where the hell was she?

The more I thought about it, the more worried I got. I haven't seen her leave the forest, so what if one of the boys was in there with her, doing god knows what?

"NEWT! NEWT!" I run over to the boy, panic etched onto my face.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Have you seen Liv?"

"Uhh... Nope. No, um, I haven't" He awkwardly kicks the dirt, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. I know he's lying.

"Newt" I start. "She's missing. I'm worried. She could be in serious danger. Please, if you know something, anything, about where the hell she could be, then tell me. She's been acting weirdly, and because of what's happening, I just want to keep her by my side"

"Well... I... Uh... May have seen her go somewhere with Frypan, Minho, Thomas, Winston and Zart"


"The Maze..."


"Gally! Calm down! It was for a good reason"

"Like what?" I was breathing heavily, trying to control the anger that was flaring up inside of me, making me see red.

"We have a dead Griever. We can't waste that. Maybe we can use it to escape"

Olivia's Point of View

When we returned to the Glade, Gally was not happy. I suppose he had every right to be pissed, but I wish he wouldn't be such a bitch about things, especially about the Greenie.

"Yeah, we found this. It was inside a Griever" Thomas explains as Newt examines the canister in his hands, gloop still clung to it.

"This is the same letters we get on our supplies" Newt knits his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers" I think out loud.

"And this is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in over three years. Right, Minho?" Thomas looks over to the Runner.

"Right" Minho nods.

"Newt, we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us"

"You see what he's trying to do, right?" Gally says. "First he breaks our rules, and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally? The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished"

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