Dirty Shark doo doo doo

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01/23/2005 - Pacific Ocean

9:30am - Today I will use music at a very high frequency, that only animals can hear, to disorient the whales, so they will attack the military submarines and start a nuclear war, then I will take over the world.

10:00am - I brought a Brazilian funk CD out to sea and started the experiment. I put on the song "Eguinha pocotó" and soon the whales started beating their heads against the rocks until they died.

10:12am - I changed the music, now "Bonde do tigrão" and a bunch of hammerhead sharks started dancing around my boat... one of them got too excited and tried to mate with me.

10:15am - I run away in desperation and my boat capsized, I fell backwards into the water, the shark took advantage of the situation and... "attacked" me.

1:00pm - I won't be able to sit down for a while, I am standing up and making plans for tomorrow night. Sometimes I remember the shark, does he think about me? Will we ever meet again? Only time will say...

Click VOTE and I shall have mercy of you when the world is mine.

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