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I took a quick shower, then my little "meeting" with Jackson took longer than it should've. He went over my schedule, going over everything glass with unnecessary detail then we rearranged my new classroom. He wanted it to be more school-like so I wouldn't feel so trapped at home. I just wanted to go to sleep. Well, that and see Sam. But after everything that was school-related was over, we made and ate dinner together. Homemade pizza. Our favorite. When we were nearly done with the pie, I got the idea to finish watching Killer Clowns From Outer Space.

The movie ended and Jackson said he had to do something.

"Thank you for staying with me," I tell him as we rise to our feet. "And the dinner."

"Kid," he says in that tone that says I'm being ridiculous for thanking him.

"Okay!" I gather my blanket in my arms. "I'll see you later?"

"We live together."

I clean up my mess then leave the theater. Strolling down a hall, I pass a large window in the hall, stop when something catches my eye, and stare through the glass. A light is on in the guesthouse. From the looks of it, it's the living room and kitchen light on. Curiosity gets the best of me and I hurry to the backyard. Approaching the house, I can hear the light hum of music. I knock on the door then realize it's too soft compared to the music so I pound on the door.

A few moments later, the door opens to Burkhardt. His eyes widen in surprise when they settle on me. "Wh-what-what are you doing here?" He stutters, stepping outside and quickly shutting the door behind him before I could peek inside.

"Me?!" I point at myself then at him. "You don't work today! This is my home! Both of them are!" Most of the bodyguards here have their own rooms but still have their own homes. Burkhardt has a loft in the city. "What's going on?"

Burkhardt turns red. "Seinfeld-" one of my mother's guards "-is getting married. Rita allowed us to throw a party for him." I look him over. He's wearing jeans and a black shirt-I've never seen him look so causal. And I've never smelled alcohol or smoke on him before.

"Can I join?" I smile. I hold my hands behind my back and rise on the heels of my feet.

He scoffs. "No kids allowed."

"What? Why?!"

"It's not that kind of party, Ms. Mills."

"Sidra," I correct him. "And I know that."

"Well, then, you also know I can't let you in."

"Right..." I nod. "Momma isn't home and since you're here and you're my guard-oh! And I'm in charge, either you let me in or you can company me to the...let's say movies. I haven't watched a Disney movie in the theaters forever!"

Burkhardt's light blue eyes tighten on me. "You wouldn't..."

Smiling hard, I step closer, getting real close and personal. "Try me."

He groans loudly and steps back. "If your mother finds out!-"

"You must be telling her because I sure as hell am not." I shove past Burkhardt and open the door. I'm hit with a cloud of smoke and eye-aching lights. Squinting, I glance around the room. I don't recognize any of the women dancing on the men or any dancing on the at-home-poles, but I do recognize the men. My mother's guards...and Sam. Sam? He's sitting at the end couch, the side farther away from me, a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other. He smokes? Answering my mental question, he takes a drag. I follow his gaze to the woman dancing only a few feet in front of him.

"Still want to stay?" Burkhardt says in my ear. I can hear the smugness in his voice and just want to slap it out of him. But instead, I turn and face him. He had an open beer in his hand. I can't remember if he had one before or not, but it doesn't matter. I snatch his drink and chug it down. "You're a real piece of work, Sidra Mills."

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