how could you

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Nicole's POV
I didn't think I heard right
"Say what again?"
"He said yes Nicole"
"Shut up bitchassidy I asked Cole"
"What did you say Cole?"
He put his head down and I was trying to hold back the tears
"I said yes nic I'm sorry but I rather do this than deal with your ass when she kills your sister"
"What kinda of person are you!"
I slapped him and stormed out of the warehouse I couldn't stand it anymore I went to the secret warehouse and cried
I received a call from my sister
"Where are you?"
"At the warehouse"
"Me n demi are coming"
She hung up
Why would he do it god did he not know I loved him!!!!
I should have told him before maybe just make he would have stayed with me
I put on all the adventure time series on and cried when princess bubble gum became a little girl again why couldn't that happen to me
I heard a knock

I couldn't believe it it was................
Coles POV
Nicole left and it broke my heart seeing that she was trying hard to hold back all the tears the screams all of it
"So you little cutie what are you gonna do to me?"
"Hahahaha did you actually think I would have sex with you!?"
"What do you mean I can kill Daniella in a one two three"
"Don't you think nicole and I had a plan before we came here"
That's tight this was Nicole's plan and danggggg she was a good actor
"I can also kill you!"
"Don't you think nicole thought of that" I snapped my fingers and David Dana and will came out holding a gun pointed at her
"You and nicole will regret this and anyways I already sent my men to kill Daniella"
"That's where your wrong"
"Well if Daniella was sent to be killed she would have been right after Alex so Nicole using that stupid and if you haven't forgotten she is a gang leader she knows everybody's strategies most of all yours"

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