Tick tick tick tick.
I could hear the sound of the clock. Every second passing, slower than the other. I just wanted it to be 3pm so I could go to Deena's and study with her. We aren't even in any of the same classes so I don't know what we meant by "study" but I'm hoping it's something fun.
"What?" I replied, confused.
"Do you just tune me out?" My teacher said.
"What.. uh.. no, ma'am. What was the question?"
I hate this class. I want to go. Spend time with Deena.
It was finally three and I went to the student parking lot. When I got there, Deena was standing awkwardly far away from my car.
"Why are you over there? The cars open."
"I just.."
"I didn't know if people seeing me in your car would ruin your reputation."
"Girl, what reputation. The only thing I'm known for here is cheer and I quit that."
"You quit?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Yes.. hop in, let's go."
Then we drove to Deena's house. I knew she was probably wondering why I had never taken her to my house, I promise, I will. It just had to be when my mom wasn't there. My mom thinks everyone is a bad influence. I'm not sure how she'd react with Deena.
We got there and she went to unlock her door.
"Come on in."
So I walked in, Deena following closely behind me.
"Ok.. so Josh has some nerd club after school until 5pm and my dad is doing god knows what. We could either hang out in my room or sit on the couch. Do you have a preference."
"Ok! Well.. come sit."
She sat on the couch and patted next to her.
I reached down and started to unzip my backpack.
"Wait.. we're actually studying?"
"Yeah.. I guess so? What did you think we were doing?"
"I don't know.. I thought it was code for something. We don't have any of the same classes."
"You're right. I just don't know what it was code for." I laughed awkwardly.
"Me either."
I zipped my backpack up and sat back on the couch. I could feel Deena inching her body closer, towards me.
"Hey Sam?"
"Do you.. are you.. nevermind."
"I just.. I'm confused about something."
"I'm not sure. I don't want to ask."
"Do you..."
"Go on."
"I was just wondering if you liked.. boys."
"What do you mean by that."
"You know what I mean."
I did know what she meant. But I didn't expect this. I didn't know how to answer this question. All of it, my crush on her and her asking if I even liked girls, stressed me out.
"I guess.. you know. It's a tough time.. for stuff... to be that way. So I guess, I've never really admitted it."
"But, I mean. I've never really felt the way some people do about boys. I guess I never thought anything of it though."
"I mean. Like, until something changed."
"What changed?"
"I just started seeing other.. people.. instead of boys."
"Oh ok.. I'm.. I mean, I'm the same way. I think. It's all confusing."
This was my chance. I leaned over and kissed her. Softly. And pulled away quickly.
She stared at me for a second, stunned.
Oh god what have I done.
We sat in an awkward silence for a good five minutes. I could tell she was thinking things over. Then, she kissed me.
It was more passionate than mine was. Probably because she knew I wanted it whereas I didn't know what she wanted and didn't want to over do it.
I've had kisses before. From boys. Boys I've had "crushes" on. That have had crushes on me. But I've never had a "real" kiss.
This was a real kiss.
wc: 647
Fearstreet Prequel
FanfictionSam & Deena's relationship when they met, BEFORE Fearstreet took place! Based on Kiana & Liv's story ab them and also the cut lines:)