Who's this?

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                                                                                                                                                                                Alex                                                                          Dude V ate all the food again do you have the emergency tater tots at your place!   



I ate someone's toes again 

That normally gets u to answer 

HaVe YoU bEeN kIdNaPpEd AgAiN!!!


Who is this?

I think you have the wrong number 

And do you need help?


Dude don't fuck with me right now I will eat a person if I don't my tater tots.

And probably.


Again who are you and why would you eat a person?


Ok your not my friend he would know why I would eat a person if I don't get my tater tots


So how did you get this number.


Well my friend gave me his new number after he broke his phone and I guess I typed it in wrong.


Who are you this number is supposed to be really hard to hack?



I thought my friend was just trying out some new tricks I didn't mean to  hack you.

And  wHy WoUlD I Tell YoU wHo I Am YoU cOuld Be a KiDnaPpEr


I'm not gonna kidnap you


...that's what a kidnapper would say   

Wait lemme pack my bags I'll be ready in 10 you can kidnap me then Mr. or Ms kidnapper.


It's Mr. and I'm not gonna kidnap you I promise


Hmm ok I'm trusting you now Mr. kidnapper - who - could - possibly - kill - me -in - my - sleep-


Don't call me that


Fine gimme some details about you so I can name you. 


Ok I have a metal arm and I like plums


Noice dude you shall now be called ✨Bucket✨

~~~?? Has now been changed to Bucket~~~           


Not bad, now you kid


I'm a teen I like food  I am also a sarcastic little asshole (friends words not mine)

I've also been told I look scary but also act like a fucking clown 

So do what you please with this information.


Ok... you can be sprinkles 



whelp I now have to go and kick open my friends door and find my tater tots 

see ya bucket👋🏻 


Bye sprinkles.


So if you don't know bucket is Bucky 

And sprinkles is my OC Alex

Hope people like this story 

Started: Tuesday September 28th 2021 

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