Safe and Sound

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*It's been 10 years later*

Emma: We are late again. It's your big day! How can you be late on your special day?
Sofia: I'm coming! I couldn't decide if I should put my hair in a braid or not.
Emma: That doesn't matter if you're not in time at work.
Sofia: Okay you're right. I'm here.
Emma: Come on. Here's your coffee.
Sofia: Thank you so much. I'm glad I have you by my side. I love you.
Emma: I love you too Soof.

They got to the hospital were you and Arizona were waiting for them.

Arizona: Hola chica's. You look both so cute.
Emma: Thank you, but this is Soof her big day and she almost was to late this morning.
Y/n: She's always late. Nothing will change I guess.
Arizona: So how are you feeling Sofia?
Sofia: Like I'm about to puke any moment.
Arizona: Oh honey, there's no need to do that. You just have to breath, you can do this.
Sofia: I'm so nervous. What if I mess it up?
Y/n: You won't. You have done great work and it's more than earned that you will take this new opportunity.
Sofia: Do you really think that?
Arizona: We both believe in you. You're made for it.
Emma: You are Soof. I'm so proud of you and proud to call you my wife.
Arizona: It's almost your 3 year anniversary. Time goes fast. I'm so happy for you.
Sofia: Thank you mom. Thank you mama.

You walk to the lobby were most people had gathered around.

Meredith: Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming. I will not take long of your time. We are here to celebrate the promotion of Sofia y/n Robbins.
As head of the board of Grey Sloan I'am here to represent you all our new head of nurses. Please cheer for Nurse Sofia. Or should I say head nurse Sofia.
Sofia: Thank you all, but please go back to work. This is not a big deal at all.
Arizona: It is, we are all so proud of you!
Y/n: Our little baby is a grown up women. Our job is done here. She has everything and most important, she has found her soulmate just like I did all those years ago.

You pull Arizona in for a passionate kiss.

*The next day*
Dylan: Ivy, are you finally ready to go?
Ivy: Give me a second please.
Dylan: Are you ready for today?
Ivy: More then ready.
Dylan: Your sister became head of nurses and now you become head of Plastics.
Ivy: I can't believe it. I hope my moms are proud.
Dylan: They will be the proudest.
Ivy: My moms are like human heroes and everything. It's scary to do good.
Dylan: You have to believe in yourself. Your moms do that all the time. With just one look they tell everyone how proud they are.
Ivy: Thank you. Can we now leave?

They got to the hospital and walked into the attending's lounge.

Arizona: You're here.
Ivy: No, I'm still at home.
Y/n: You're always to funny.
Dylan: Actually she is really funny. My funny wife for already 5 years.
Arizona: You two are so cute together. So this is your first day as head of plastics.
Ivy: I know mama. I'm ready.
Y/n: Then let's get working.
Arizona: We have a surgery in an hour together.
Y/n: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Arizona: Is it an on call room?
Y/n: Maybe.
Arizona: The older we get, the better this gets. So lets move your cute ass.

*A week later*
Zac: Oh come on. We are not doing this again.
Ruby: Some thing never change.
Zac: Life is crazy. You are too, but that makes me like you so much.
Ruby: Like? I'm offended.
Zac: Sorry baby. I mean that it makes me love you.
Ruby: I love you too.
Zac: How are you feeling?
Ruby: Good, just a little sick, but it's getting better.
Zac: You tell me when I can do something for you, because I would do anything for my beautiful and cute wife.
Ruby: I feel so lucky each day to be your wife since 6 years ago. I love you so much Zac.
Zac: I love you more and I love our baby so much already.
Ruby: Crazy that it's 16 weeks since we found out. Are we still letting it to be a surprise to reveal the gender. I want that still, do you?
Zac: I still do baby. Now we should go to the hospital. You will take over being head of general from your aunt. It's so cool after your sisters getting there new jobs last week.
Ruby: I still need the time to realize this is all true. I'm slowly believing that we are really doing this.
Zac: You are all really taking over from your moms. Like you were born ready.
Ruby: It's all because of them. They are the great example.
Zac: They are. Both of them are the greatest and sweetest.

*Back at your and Arizona's house*
Arizona: We need to leave, get ready. Today our other baby is becoming head of general. We can be so proud of them.
Y/n: We are the proudest parents ever. They will change so many lives.
Arizona: And safe many patients. We are the lucky ones.
Y/n: I believe we are. I love you Zona.
Arizona: I love you too babe. 
Y/n: You look stunning as always.
Arizona: You are gorgeous yourself. You will never stop flirting, right?
Y/n: You like it, so no. I will never stop flirting.
*She kisses your cheek*

*A month later*
Arizona: Did you hear a word I said?
Y/n: Sorry babe. My mind was somewhere far away.
Arizona: What were you thinking about?
Y/n: Actually, about us, our family.
Arizona: What about it?
Y/n: Look what we became. Look at how far we got together. Mostly look at our girls. 
Arizona: Yes they became beautiful and amazing women.
Y/n: Most important they are happy. They have all found there soulmates.
Arizona: One big happy family. Today it will get even better.
Y/n: Do you know something else that's crazy?
Arizona: I can guess, but please will you tell me?
Y/n: Our little Belle is Chief of surgery for almost 1 year.
Arizona: That is crazy. She looks so much like you. Being one hell of an amazing peds and fetal surgeon.
Y/n: She looks more like the both of us.
Arizona: She is the best of the both of us.
*She kisses the top of your head as you lean it on her shoulder*

Harriët: Mom, dad, y/n and Arizona. It took some time, but we have done it.
Arizona: How are they?
Harriët: They are both doing amazing. Belle did great.
April: Can we see them?
Harriët: Yes. Belle wants to see her moms first. After that you can come in.
Y/n: Come Arizona. I can't wait any longer.
Belle: Hey mom, mama. Here she is. Your granddaughter.
Arizona: What's her name?
Belle: Meet our little princess, Gabriella.
Y/n: She is so beautiful.
Arizona: Just as beautiful as her mommy.
Belle: Thank you so much. I never felt like this in my entire life. I'm so happy.
Y/n: So are we. We are so proud of you. We love you with everything we have.

*Three weeks later*
Arizona: Y/n, do you know how much I love you?
Y/n: You're telling me that everyday so I guess it's a lot. I love you so much.
Arizona: It's been 3 weeks since we became grandmas and the girls are doing such a great job.
Y/n: It's been 3 weeks since Belle  gave birth to the beautiful Gabriella. Gabriella is so adorable, she really looks like Belle.
Arizona: She's so beautiful. We have an amazing life honey.
Y/n: We have. We always believed we would end up together and now look what we got. The most amazing family.
Arizona: We have everything we ever wished for.
Y/n: They say fairytales don't exist, but my life looks look one. You have my princess since day one and we needed to fight for out true love, but in the end we lived happily ever after.
Arizona: I feel exactly the same. You are my happy ending, you've always been my happy ending.
Y/n: Oh look the dolphins are back.
Arizona: I'm glad we got this weekend away. I love being at our beach house.
Y/n: Yes, this beach house brought us so much lovely memories.

Arizona: The girls always loved it so much here

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Arizona: The girls always loved it so much here.
Y/n: They still do.
Arizona: Something what I think of looking back at our time together is that we were always like fire and rain.
Y/n: You drove me insane at some points, but i couldn't stay mad at you for anything.
Arizona: I can't see the future, but I know that it's there. One thing I also know is that you are in my future.
Y/n: That's all I ever dreamed off. Being together with you forever.
Arizona: And always.

She cubs your face in her hands and kisses you passionately only pulling away, because you needed air.

Y/n: Your kisses are just so amazing. I couldn't live without them.

Life with Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now