Ch. 26 The Other Team

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Photo: Camie (Simply P3RF3CT$)

We all sat at a bistro in the heart of Beverly Hills Shop. I continue to stir my tea with my spoon, my eyes wandering about the street eyeing whatever catches my attention. I look back over to see Oliver and Bailey going through the menu like morons. Just earlier, Jake made the decision to treat us to some food. I mean, I'm all for it. Especially when it comes to food, no one has to ask if I want food.

"Jake what are you going to get?" Lucas asks as he takes a sip of his Dr. Pepper.

"The biggest burger they have. I want to stuff my face with meat," he replies casually as he flips a page in the menu. I look over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I wait for the day to come where you can no longer fit into your pants," I tell him as he shoots me a look.

"I'm not that fat," Jake points out.

"She's just mad because girls have slower metabolisms than boys," Erick says to us as I puff my cheeks out.

"I mean it's not fair. You guys can eat almost anything, and not gain weight. I refuse to believe that. It's completely unfair," I reply. "You 'guys' have it easy. You don't have to deal with periods and boobs."

"Huh?" Oliver asks.

"Are boobs that bad?" Bailey asks.

"I think they are soft-I mean... they make you look good?" Jake says as I'm about to kick him in the face with a chair.

"Jake, shut up. Look, all I ask science to do is to make the boobs do the bra thing without the bra," I state simply.

"What a lovely discussion we are having over lunch. Excellent topic Jaz, as always," Erick says as he raises a cup to me. I roll my eyes before typically crossing my arms over my chest, and leaning back in my chair. The wind picks up as I look up at the sky. The leaves start to swirl with the motion, as fall starts to approach us closer. That means the Finals wasn't that far away. We managed to get past the first 2 rounds, but we still have 4 left.

"Camie can you not?" someone says from table next to us. I look over at Bailey, who was sitting across from me, and he also recognizes the voice. Bailey and I look over to see if it was who we thought it was.

"Dakota, stop being such a butt," the girl, named Camie, replies. She pushes her auburn brown hair behind her ear, as she points to her friend with the spoon. "I always play with my food."

"The banana bread pudding doesn't even look like banana bread pudding anymore! It looks like vomit," Dakota replies to her. One by one the others all slowly turn their heads to the left, and instantly spot the enemy from the previous round.

Camie was stirring her banana pudding while Dakota glares at her from across the table. I mean, she is actually stirring it with a spoon. It makes me wonder how on earth can someone do that. It also frightens me on how she did that. Camie looks up to see all of us starring at them, and then blinks once. Then twice, until boom, an epiphany hits her.

"Hey! It's you guys!" she exclaims as Dakota looks over her shoulder to see us. Her features turn sour as she looks away, and Camie lets out a small laugh. "Dakota stop sulking."

"Whatever," she replies as she turns back around. "Either way you guys did win fair and square, I'll give you that. But if we ever play in another tournament together, we will kick you butts next time."

"You can try hotshot but I doubt you will," Jake says with a smirk.

"I have a question," Camie says as she raises her hand.

"Camie why are you raising your hand? We aren't in school," Dakota replies.

"Oh, sorry. How did you get Jake Verrane on your team?! That's not fair!" Camie complains.

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