Chapter 10

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Y/n sent a glance towards Leon before he spotted something on the ceiling. "Hey Leon! Shoot that!" He pointed and Leon's blue eyes raced to where he pointed, aiming his handgun and firing against it and then the rest before the room stopped getting smaller.

They ran out the door that Salazaar fled from, with Y/n trailing behind a little while following them. Ashley slowed down to keep pace with him while they kept their eyes on Leon. He slowed down and walked through the doorway suddenly causing a metal gate to crash down before the other two could get out.

Sounds of cracking could be heard behind them, causing fear to stretch in Ashley's features as she squealed and hid behind the other male. Leon aimed the rifle towards the people driving, shooting them both before it slowed to a stop and the gate lifted back up. Ashley and Y/n rushed out of that small space and stood beside Leon.

They wound around and found the merchant, Leon bartering while Y/n stopped to lean on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Ashley dusted herself off, though it wasn't truly needed before following Leon when he led the way back out.

He got to an area where he had the two wait, picking up the King's grail before gates shut him inside with several more of those armored things. Worriedly Y/n placed his hands on the cool metal and watched wearily.

After a little bit he had won the little battle and the gates lifted up, Y/n entering the room and immediately checking him over. "Are you alright Leon?" The named male chuckles softly and nodded, taking the smaller hands in his own.

"Listen. I'm fine..." He squeezed the hands gingerly before letting them go and nodding for Ashley to join them. He began leading the way for them as they traveled down a corridor with open windows, the red cloth covering them flying upwards as four ganados with scythes rushed towards them. Ashley hid behind the two men, but readied herself in case she'd need to fight.

They finished them off and placed the two grails in their places, watching the metal bars lift from the door. They pushed inside and looked around for a quick moment. They made their way to the next set of doors and Leon opened one. This revealed a large open room with some strange cocoon looking thing hanging from the ceiling.

Y/n watched in curiosity as Ashley stood by him. The sound of beating wings caught his ears, though unfortunately too late for him to respond. The beast lifted him and Ashley into the air, causing the small girl to scream and him to hiss in pain. He thrashed, but found that to be a very poor idea as it could only open the wound again and he could not lose anymore blood.

"Damnit!" Leon shouted, running forward to help.

"Leon!" Ashley squealed, genuine fear of both falling to her death, being eaten by these things, and heights made her clench her eyes shut.

"Not this shit again!" Y/n snapped finally, clawing at the winged things feet. Suddenly a moment of silence filled him as he pondered why it hadn't dropped him yet. What purpose did he have left to serve?

"Heeeeeeeeeeelp!" She shouted as it left the little room.

"Ashley!" Leon shouted, staring at the place she'd been taken from. The creature holding his partner hovered over the gap in the floor, sending fear through Leon's stomach until seemingly it flew after Ashley's. He growled and spun around to keep guard of himself. "Ugh. Great! More of 'em."

Leon had no other choice but to either fight for his life or flee, and he sure as hell wasn't staying there. He picked up his feet and ran for it, trying to find a way out.

Meanwhile Y/n got to see the world from much higher than he'd like to, feeling motion sick from being swung in the creatures arms. He shook his head and felt the thing scream and let him go into a free fall. His eyes widened, wearily trying to grab his grapple to at least hook a tree.

To his surprise something caught him midair and continued the flight the other beast couldn't. He blinked and stared towards the ground he could have just hit, though he was high enough to save himself it still messed with him. He lifted his head to see Ashley, fearing for her life in the same boat he was.

Back with Leon who had managed to escape the creatures and now stood with the merchant, selling things he didn't need before continuing. His eyes set ablaze to find his two companions alive and to keep them safe. Determination burned in his blue eyes as they glinted red for a single moment.

(Timeskip brought to you by me, because this game is fucking long XD)

After a while Leon stood before Salazaar, Ashley looking at him wearily. Salazaar flipped a button and the floor beneath him fell, causing him to well... fall. "No! Leon!" Ashley called out, fearful of being all alone since they had taken Y/n somewhere else.

With quick thinking he shot a small grappling hook up to catch himself, remaining as calm as he could be. "Hmm...? Where's the satisfying sound of ones impalement?"

"Won't fall for this old trick." Leon muttered as he began climbing back up. He fired his gun at the horn Salazaar was listening from, causing him to gasp and lean away from it.

"How dare you?!" He snapped, standing up. "No more games! Kill him!" He snarled, sounding like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "Kill!" Salazaar ordered and one of the cloaked figured walked towards a door.

"Quickly, we must prepare for the ritual." With that Ashley was pushed ahead, slowing slightly to glance at the trap door.

"Leon... You're alive..." She mumbled as she was forced to continue. "Where's Y/n?" She asked, gaining a small glare from the tiny man.

"Don't bother yourself with such a useless creature like him!" Salazaar warned. "He wasn't your friend to begin with!" Ashley frowned, thinking over his words before she refused to move any further.

"No! You're wrong! He's always been a good person!" She yelled back, being shoved forward to continue.

"Keep walking or I'll have them kill him too!"

"No! Okay..." She hung her head and let her feet move. "I'm going..."

Meanwhile a male struggled against the rope tied around his wrists, ankles, and the cloth wrapped over his mouth. He fought against his, though to no end as no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get free. Krauser walked over, kicking him in the rib cage on his good side.

"Just quit. It'll be-"

"Leave him alone." Ada ordered, walking closer and pushing him back. This began a small argument between the two and gave Y/n more time to free himself, before Krauser left the room and Ada crouched beside the male. "You're coming with me this time, like it or not."

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