Original Program

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"Let him rest." Techno looked at the little boy, he was all mummified now...but it was for the best.

What Phil said was right. There were problems that could cause a little discomfort, then if they went on without treatment it could spiral into something huge. A kid his size and age couldn't take on something like that.

"Well I think this is a good time to think of a name."

"Noah?" Wilbur leaned against the door frame, he passed Phil a towel to wipe away the blood that was on his hands.

"Nah...how about- George?" Phil snorted and shook his head.

"Definitely not."

"How about..Tommy? I guess it's really popular now.." Phil said setting the towel on the medical tray. Techno looked at the boy and then glanced at Wilbur.

"It's okay?" Wilbur shrugged and went over to 6208.

"Eh...nah. Tommy is to bland."

"Wilbur part two!" Wilbur smiled, and Techno slouched his shoulders.

"You've put a lot of thought into this, huh?" Wilbur ignored him and smiled down at the little boy.

"Okay- first it would be Wilbur. Jr. But he isn't your son so it can be that way." Phil looked at Will who groaned and shook his head.


"Quit whining." Techno watched his brother leave the room.

"Overly-sensitive." He mumbled to himself.

"Let's just settle on Tommy, for now."

The Disappearance of TommyWhere stories live. Discover now