I woke up and groaned fuckkkk because I was so exhausted and sad. I got up and unplugged my phone it was 11 am. I did not want to be awake I looked at Lilly and she was still snoring lightly and I smiled. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth I put my hair in a bun and used the restroom and walked out. I walked out of the restroom and walked over to lilly and kissed her head and went downstairs and made some breakfast and listened to music I didn't want Lilly staying here alone I was going to talk to my mom when I got home. I took care of the animals and continued cooking Lilly walked downstairs and yawned I said good morning babe how'd you sleep. Lilly groaned fuckkkk I'm tired I said yea me too she stood by me and watched me cook. Lilly said I miss them I said yea me too and just continued cooking. Andy face timed us and I answered he said hey my beautiful girls we smiled and said hey Cc climbed in andys bunk and he said hi babe. Lilly started smiling and said hi I fucking miss you Cc said yea me too babe trust me. I stayed quiet and finished cooking andy said babe I hummed and said what he said you have been really quiet you ok. I sighed and said yea I'm fine I just really fucking miss my boyfriend that's all and walked away after I turned off the stove and covered the pan. I walked away and stood by the window and bit my thumb and put my head on my shoulder and I started crying and turned around Lilly said aw babe come here and I did. I put my head against lillys neck and just stared sobbing against her. Andy said awww babe I really want to give you a hug now and I just couldn't breathe. Lilly started rocking me back and forth and tried to calm me down but it didn't work I just couldn't stop crying I started shaking because I was crying so hard. A little while later I finally stopped and looked at her she said aw lacey your face is so puffy and I looked at andy. He said oh my God my heart is actually breaking and his eyes started watering he said I love you so much lacey I said I love you too Andrew. He smiled but looked really sad Cc said hey man cheer up its going to be ok. He also said hey soon we are going to go home and you can fuck lacey as much as you want and we all started laughing and said oh my God Cc it was hilarious. After we hung up we ate and chilled on the couch I said ugh I should probably go home Lilly sighed and said yea. Lilly dropped me off at my house an hour ago and now I'm downstairs with my family watching movies and texting andy. I cried a couple times but then I stopped and sighed and looked at the ceiling. Everyone went to bed at around 10 pm. I'm just laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling and listening to music. I fell asleep at around 12 am I groaned fuckkkk and finally went to sleep I just really miss andy already.

My mom walked into my room and said wake up lacey it's time for school. She closed the door and I groaned fuckkkk I don't want to get up. I got up and turned on music and went into the bathroom and got ready and came in my room. I threw on sweat pants and a sweat shirt and sprayed andys cologne on it and smiled. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my phone and put my shoes on and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited for Lilly to get here I really missed the guys and I know she did as well. I just felt like completely shit I didn't want to do anything today. But me and Lilly are graduating this year so we do have to go to school which sucksss asss. A couple minutes later someone honked their horn and I got up and said bye guys they said bye back. Lilly and her windows rolled down and sun roof open I said you stole your dad's car and climbed in. She said um he's not going to be driving it anyway so yes I laughed and said nice. I said I fucking love you Lilly she said I fucking love you too lacey I said we got this right she said hellll yes I smiled and said ok I trust you she said good now put on your seat belt bitch. I laughed and said yes mam and did it we jammed out on the way to school. We drove down the highway and we felt really good I still felt really sad but the breeze felt really good this morning. We got to school and Lilly rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof. We got out and she locked the car and we both walked into school. Me and Lilly were both not excited about school. We got into class and sat down I texted Andy and she texted Cc. We put our phones up when class started. School finally ended and me and Lilly walked over to the car and climbed in and she locked the doors and we buckled up. Lilly turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and I played music and we started driving to my house. Me and Lilly were both jamming out and laughing. I'm surprised we both were not crying right now but I wasn't complaining I was really happy to finally spend more time with my best friend again. Lilly dropped me off and headed home I locked the door and took off my shoes and headed upstairs. My mom was chilling downstairs I charged my phone and used the restroom and changed I went downstairs and everyone got home I quickly ate and headed back upstairs. I took a nice hot shower and jammed out to music and got out an hour later and felt really good after. I called andy after I changed and put my clothes up. Well actually I face timed andy and he smiled and said hey babe I said hi I just got out the shower he said oh nice I said yea it was and laughed. Andy said I miss you a lot I smiled and said yea me too and I smiled as well. Me and Andy talked for a while and my step brother came in and gave me a hug and said who in the hell are you talking to I said andy he said oh ok well good night I said uh good night to you too and he closed my door I said uh ok. I grabbed a makeup wipe and started cleaning my face after I brushed my hair and teeth and grabbed my phone and told Andy bye and love you. After I hung up I charged my phone and climbed into bed and fell asleep smiling like crazy.

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