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April 2

I woke up and I wasn't really sure why I was curled up in a fetal position cuddling with one of the pillows.

After what happened two nights ago, Harry stayed with me for another night, and then when he was going to go back to his apartment, he asked me to go with him, just for a night.

We ended up just falling asleep on my couch and sleeping until mid- afternoon, which wasn't a problem since he didn't have work that day and I was working at night.

And tonight I went to work at the club, he drove me there, sat next to the stage while I danced and hovered around me for the rest of the night until he drove me back to his apartment .

He seemed sad for a while, I there was something bothering him, but I never wanted to push him to tell me. The only thing I knew to do was just stay beside him and give him hugs and only checked he was alright and didn't push him or keep asking.

He also hadn't gone to work, which I thought was quite odd. He stayed home all day and spent every second with me, or at least in the same room as me. We weren't constantly next to each other or even talking, but just enjoying each other's company.

I felt like there was something wrong, but I was still hazy and my head was cloudy from just waking up.

I was in Harry's bed after he took me back from work and asked if I would stay with him again tonight, to which I obviously agreed.

It almost sounded like there were people having a conversation in the next room, the room I only knew as the door that had the big industrial lock on it.

There was a strange coldness surrounding me too.

I peeled my eyes open to see that the room was still dark, and the other side of the bed was empty, sheets had been folded back over but I could see the dent from where he had once been laying.

I blindly grabbed my phone from the bedside table next to me, squinting my eyes as it lit up my face, revealing that it was just after four in the morning.

I stretched my arm out, feeling that the space next to me was cold, I hardly remembered coming to Harry's room after work, but I was still slightly in a daze from just waking up from a deep sleep.

Why did I wake up? And why was Harry not here?

My heart started racing as soon as I realised he wasn't here. This couldn't be happening again

The lights weren't on in the bathroom and I couldn't hear anything, meaning he wasn't in the bedroom at all.

I heard a thud, which almost sounded like someone falling over in the next room.

But before I could even react to it, I heard the bedroom door close and I saw Harry's silhouette walk into the room.

I swore I heard him lock his bedroom door again, which I thought was strange.

He was carrying a glass of water and I instantly felt relieved, he had just gotten up to grab a glass of water, and not have a repeat of two nights ago.

My eyelids started to feel heavy again and I closed my eyes, snuggling up with the pillow under my head. I was sure he didn't notice I was awake, and I was too tired to show any signs of being conscious.

I felt the bed dip next to me, smiling into the pillow when I smelt the cologne that I recognised so easily.

Harry pulled the covers back over himself, hardly making any noise and I knew he thought I was asleep when he lay down beside me, closer than I thought he would have.

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