I woke up at around 4 am and groaned fuckkkk. I put my phone down and said Thursday how fucking great. I sighed and started thinking about what to do today. I have a idea me and Andy can leave for the day and Cc and Lilly could stay here together all day. I smiled and rolled back onto andys chest and fell back asleep against him. It was around 10 am when I woke back up the sun was shining really bright and I groaned fuckkkk and layed down on andys chest and smiled because was really warm and comfortable. Andy woke up and yawned and stretched I bit my lip and smiled andy wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head and I smiled. Andy said good morning babe I said good morning Andrew and looked at him he said I love you I said I love you more and we both smiled. Andy leaned over and kissed and I smiled and kissed his nose he started laughing and so did I. Andy yawned and stretched again and I laughed because he made a cute face and noise when he yawned I giggled and buried my face in his chest. Andy checked his phone and groaned fuckkkk and put it down. I looked up and said what's wrong babe andy looked down at me and said it's Thursday I sighed and said yea I know. I sat up and said oh andy I have an idea andy put his hands behind his head and sat up he said oh yea and what's that. I said how about we go to my house and drop some of my stuff off so I don't have to bring them all back to my house Sunday. Andy looked down and said yea I guess we can do that I said ok I'll get the stuff I'm bringing home andy said ok and I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to use it. After I used the restroom I walked out and grabbed my Walmart bags and grabbed andys jacket and layed it on his bed and said I'm taking these home andy said ok and got up and headed to the bathroom. Andy walked out of the bathroom and stretched he said I grabbed my stuff he said you ready I said hold on I got to call my mom andy said ok sounds good. I called my mom and she answered she said hey lacey. I said can I come home and drop off a couple things and I leave. My mom laughed and said yea we will head out after you drop off your stuff and leave I said ok bye love you she said bye love you too and hung up. Andy said what did she say I said she said yes andy said ok let's go. Andy grabbed my stuff and we headed downstairs I put my shoes on and so did andy. Andy opened the front door and we both walked out and andy locked the door and we walked to the car andy unlocked the car and I climbed in. Andy put my stuff in the back and got into the car I said I love you andy said I love you too. Andy turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof. I plugged my phone in with the aux cord and played some black veil brides. Andy started jamming out while backing out of the driveway. We started driving out of the neighborhood and down the highway. Me and Andy got onto the highway and we were jamming out while the wind was blowing our hair. Me and Andy were enjoying ourselves while heading back to my mom's house. Me and Andy got there a little while later andy grabbed my bag out of the back and closed the trunk and locked the door. I grabbed andys jacket and held it and walked to the house I opened the door and walked in andy closed the door and I headed upstairs to my room. Me and Andy put down my stuff on my bed I put the Walmart bags in my bathroom and hung up andys jacket so no one could touch it I put it on my clothes rack. Me and Andy walked downstairs and said we love you guys my mom said we love you too. I said so where are you guys going my dad said the mall I said oh ok cool they said you wanna come with us I looked at andy and he looked at me. I looked back at my family and said no sorry not today and I walked towards the front door and walked outside. Andy said sorry they said no its ok I closed the door and tried not to cry. I knew andy had to leave next weekend and I just wasn't ready for him to leave. Andy walked outside and said you ready and he unlocked the car I said yea I am. My family also walked outside and my dad locked the front door they all walked to their car. Me and Andy got into his car and he locked the doors. Andy turned on the car and started backing out of the driveway after we put on our seat belts. After we got out the driveway andy rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof I plugged in the aux cord and started playing The 1975 and jammed out. Andy started laughing and smiling and bit his lip. Me and Andy got onto the highway and headed back to his house Lilly called and he answered. He said what's up Lilly said where the fuck are yall andy said we dropped off some of laceys things and we are heading back home Lilly said oh ok can you get food and laughed and said make your own damn food we all started laughing. Andy said love you babe bye she said yea love you too dad bye and hung up me and Andy laughed the whole way home.

my best friends dad
Romance*COMPLETE* This is a story about wen a friend finds out her best friends dad is her idol. #1bvbarmy