●~● Thirty seven ●~●

407 9 12

a/n: hi

(it may be inaccurate since i dont do parties haha >·<) 

   blasting music with the disco lights moving making the room more colorful as it should. A lot of activities was prepared and beers are all over the place. There is also a lot of food displayed and a lot of people are dancing and having fun.

Haechan went to Mark and chug a glass of beer, Jisung was busy with Chenle doing random things just to make Jisung enjoy the party and then there goes Renjun sitting alone and watching the guys dance.

"Renjun?" Jeno called making Renjun look on who is talking. "Yes? you are alone?" Renjun asked as he watch Jeno sat beside him. Jeno should be happy even for the (maybe last) moment.

"Nope, Jaemin is coming over here he just went to get some food" Jeno said as he smiled. Renjun just stared Jeno, He was against the light so his face was not that visible to Renjun but he is sure shining.

The way he smile and the way he laugh makes Renjun feels like he was the happiest. Jeno caught Renjun staring and chuckled. "Falling for me again?" Jeno asked making Renjun look away making a red stain on his cheeks.

"Why would I and AGAIN? when did I fall for you Mr. Lee?" Renjun asked as he giggled "Renjun i really hate you"


"Nevermind, let's just wait for Jaemin" Jeno said as if he did not say anything, moments passed by and it was a little bit silent between the two. Jaemin arrived carrying 5 cans of beer and some sweets.

Jaemin smiled and sat infront of the two. "What happened?" He asked making Renjun clear his troat. "Nothing! umm we should call Haechan and the others so we could play something" Renjun suggested and the two agreed so fast.

Renjun called Haechan and chenle to come over where the three are currently are, few minutes passed by and they are already approaching them.

"What now Renjun?" Haechan asked with a mix of annoyance making Renjun laugh. "Calm down Mr. Lee, I might interrupted something but bestfriend always comes first" Renjun said as he pulled Haechan beside him.

"Okay so what are we going to play?" Chenle asked, Haechan quickly stood up and said "The most popular game, beer pong!" Haechan suggested and of course all of them agreed.

"I'll let you three form a group and us duo are safe with our man" Haechan said pushing Renjun near the two guys who are just standing innocently.

"Fine!" Renjun answered and walked near them.

"Well we should start now or we will end up staying here standing untill morning" Mark joked


"Yah Renjun! drink up!" Haechan shouts as he pointed Renjun who is a little bit tipsy at the moment. Jaemin told him that he should drink it instead of him but he insisted and now he is a little drunk.

"Why am I always loosing this stupid game?!" Renjun whined making the two chuckle. This is the first time Jaemin and Jeno saw him drinking this much.

Jaemin pulled Renjun and told him to sit down and prolly need to end the game because the only people who is playing until now was just him and Haechan who is so competitive and don't want to lose to his best friend.

Mark just laughed at Haechan and told him that it's enough since he is already wasted. "Babe, that's enough, we should go home now" Mark said as he look at his clock.

It was already 10:47 in the evening and Chenle was already sleeping on the couch with jisung who is playing his phone. The two are not drunk obviously. As soon as they both drank beer they back out and decided to just watch their hyungs play.

"But Miss Rebecca was not yet down! I wanted to win baby!" Haechan said as he pull the hem of Mark's hoodie making him lower his face and gave Haechan a peck.

Jaemin and Jeno faked gagged and just laugh at them. "We should go, so are you guys. I will also wake up chenle so he could fix themselves" Mark said as he guided the drunk Haechan and went to Chenle to wake him up.

Jeno looked at Renjun who is sitting at the couch and hugging his legs, Jeno chuckled and went to him. "Renjun we should go home" he said

Renjun look up and saw Jeno, Renjun smiled before tracing Jeno's lips and said "I wanted to know who you two really are! I feel stupid for not even knowing who are you two~~~ my friends wanted me t regain memory I don't even know i lost" Renjun said making Jeno chuckle.

"Jeno, how am I suppose to leave this pretty baby if he is like this" Jaemin said. About what Jaemin is planning, he decided to just disappear and wont ever find renjun also Haechan but it seems like he is not that strong to do that.

Why is he doing it? because he is already not hoping that renjun's memories will still come back and will recognize every memories they shared and about the fairy, Yuna told them they are hopeless.

And It's on Renjun whether he really wanted to recall it or not.

Jaemin smiled and said "If this is what heaven wanted then let the string continues to flow"

"Jeno, can you wait even if we grow white hair? Are you still going to wait for our Renjun?" Jaemin said as he look at Renjun who is clinging his arms on Jeno's.

Jeno smiled "Why would I lose my patience if the result will be 100× better" Jeno said and went to hug Renjun. They are not taking advantage to the drunk Renjun bht just giving him affection because this trip is a long way to Run.

The end.

a/n: seems like the ending was kinda rushed so lmk if you would like to know what happened in the future as they keep on loving Renjun endlessly :) Thank you for reading!


♡ I made a renmin fic titled "Midnight tears" hoping that you will also shower that with love and support! that's it! Thank you ilysm. if u guys wanted to check it out, just visit my profile ^^

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