Kidnapped together part 2

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Alex presses her head against the wall of her and her sisters cell , it had been over 3 hours and Kara still hadn't woken up yet and it made Alex feel uneasy. Kara was going to be fine deep down Alex knew that her body was just exhausted and she just needed more rest but she couldn't help but think that she might have been to late - despite the fact that she was breathing - and that she had already lost her before she even got the kryptonight  turned off , and that terrified Alex she couldn't lose her sister .

Alex put her head in her hands , the horrible memory's of the previous day still vivid in her mind , she just hoped Kara would wake up soon.

Kara's eyes fluttered open causing light to seep into her eyes and blind her , she groaned as she sat up . Kara's head pounded and felt almost as if a drum getting violently hit again and again, she tried to sit up but she felt incredibly weak and exhausted which confused her , it wasn't until her eyes gazed across the room and green glow emitted from the ceiling that she remembered what happened.

Kara hung her head in shame , she couldn't believe the way she reacted she had dealt with kryptonight before .



"You may wear the cape but your no super "

Lillian's words rattled throughout her brain, maybe she was right , she had handled kryptonight and pain a handle of times before,  she was supergirl for Rao's sake but she screamed and cried like a baby. If it wasn't for Alex she wouldn't of gotten through it , maybe she was weak.

Kara was snapped out her thoughts when her sister rushed over to her , only just realising that she was awake.

"Hey , Kara your awake" Alex exclaimed with relief.

"Are you alright?" She asked a little unsure , Kara gave her a smile .

"Yeah, I'm ok " she lied she had to keep her feelings to herself she couldn't be weak she needed to be strong.

It had been a few hours since Kara had woken up and the two sisters were talking about random things on separate parts of the room trying to pass time . She loved talking to her sister it filled her with joy and despite the fact that they were locked up in a room together and were being held captive , she seemed to be enjoying herself.

The two sisters continued to talk about random things from work to childhood memories , it was when they were discussing there old teachers when the air suddenly changed abruptly the once calm warm air had turned cold and crisp almost as if it had been poisoned by the menacing cruelness that the building roofed .

Kara shuddered as the cold thick icy air pricked her skin , she hadn't experienced the cold before being kryptonian and having a extremely warm body temperature meant that she was unaffected by the cold crisp temperature the air sometimes carried so Kara felt so uncomfortable as she felt her hairs stand up on her arms .

Despite how uncomfortable and painful the new sensation was Kara ignored it she didn't want to lose concentration  on her sisters words and she needed to stay strong .

As time went by the cold sensation got worse growing in intensity , it had been an hour or so and Kara began to lose concentration the cold felt like icicles digging into her skin threatening to penetrate her flesh and hurt her further, her body started to shake as the cold air circulated her body infecting it , she pulled her legs in on herself.

All Kara wanted to do was to crawl into her sisters arms and for her to look after her to keep her warm and safe but Kara needed to be strong she could handle her own discomfort.

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