Chapter 8: Hell hath no fury

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A/N: here's chapter 8. Enjoy, people. 

Best friends.


A pretty girl with wavy caramel-coloured hair and a bright smile entered the room. She had brown eyes and wore a pair of jean shorts and green t-shirt.

"Hey guys!" She chirped cheerfully, grabbing Caleb's arm in a vice-like grip. I could see her long nails dig harshly into his skin. Ashley hadn't noticed me yet and the boys were too preoccupied to pay attention to me, so I continued reading my book.

Suddenly, a bolt of pain shot through me and I gasped, dropping my book and clutching my head. Shizzballs... I haven't taken my medicine.

"Arya, are you okay?" Caleb asked, his dark blue eyes swimming with worry.

Ashley rolled her eyes and mumbled. "Attention-seeking."

I caught Isaac's eye and he shook his head subtly. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Wait, I'll get you some water." Caleb said, extracting himself from Ashley's grip and rushing to the kitchen. He returned a minute later with a glass of water and some pain killers which I accepted gratefully.

"So, how did you meet the others, Arya?" Wyatt questioned. Ashley huffed and coughed pointedly- which we all ignored.

"Well, I've known Kit here since we were two years old, and I met the others about two weeks ago when they kidnapped me. But don't worry!" I continued seeing their shocked expressions. "It worked out since my birth-giver and her lackey were going to marry me off to a guy twice my age."

"Gold-digger." Ashley not-so-subtly mumbled.

I clenched my fists tightly and looked at Isaac. "Just one punch, Zac. Just the one."

"No, Arya, you can't." He said sternly. "That would be animal abuse." We all snickered quietly.

Ashley stomped angrily. "Urgh! I feel like I'm not wanted here!"

"You pickin' up on that sweetheart?" I deadpanned and she grew frustrated. She marched to the door that Ethan was leaning against. She shouted "get away you-" here, she said a racial slur and Ethan flinched, a look of shock, anger and hurt crossing over his features. The boys opened their mouth to respond, but I beat them to it.

"What the f**k did you just say?" I growled and stood up, rage washing over me. Ashley stumbled back, but quickly regained her composure.

"What?" She rolled her eyes and smirked. "I was just saying the truth-"

I slammed her against the wall and wrapped a hand around her throat. From my pocket, I took out a gun and held it to her temple. She breathed heavily, her amber gaze darting to the boys for help. But they didn't stop me.

"Listen here you little b*tch." I snarled. "I don't know who p***ed you off this morning, but that gives you no right to talk to another human being like that."

"He's not human." Ashley sneered and narrowed her eyes at me. "And neither are you by the looks of it you-"

I punched her, hearing the satisfying crunch of bones beneath my fist. She squealed and tried to push me away. I scoffed at her pathetic attempts.

"If you don't let me go, I'll- I'll-"

"You'll what? Stutter me to death?" I laughed coldly and pressed the gun harder to her temple. She stopped fighting immediately. "Don't forget who's holding the gun here."

I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards the entrance. She squealed and cried out in pain, only making me pull harder. I opened the door and threw her out, she toppled down the stone stairs and landed in a crumpled heap at the bottom. 

"IT'S TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH!" I yelled and Ashley cowered away.

"W-Why are you d-defending him?" She stuttered, keeping a wary eye on my trigger-friendly finger.

"I don't judge people on the colour of their skin. I judge them on how big a jerk they are." Saying so, I slammed the door shut on her sniffles and walked back to the living room.

Hell hath no fury like me defending my friends.

"Hey." I nodded to the dumbfounded boys, picking up my book. I handed Blake's gun back to him. "Sorry- I needed to borrow it to scare her."

"Wha- How?" He gaped, taking the weapon back.

"You are shockingly easy to pickpocket from." I shrugged and looked at Ethan. "Are you okay? What she said was messed up."

He smiled wryly. "I know Ree, but I've honestly gotten used to it by now. I mean, even though we live in the twenty-first century, I'm still black and some people are still idiots. But thanks for sticking up for me." He paused and frowned. "But how do you know how to use a gun?"

"And pickpocket." Blake added.

I chuckled humorously. "Even though we live in the twenty-first century, I'm still a brown girl and some people are still idiots." I flopped back on the couch and continued reading my book.

End of chapter 8. 

Who here thinks Ashley deserves what Arya did to her? Overkill? Underkill?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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