A couple minutes later we all got back into the car. Andy rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof after he turned the car on. I plugged in the aux cord into my phone. We all buckled up and andy started backing out of the parking lot. Me and Lilly started jamming out to music and I finally started to feel a lot better and I forgot about andy leaving. The breeze felt so damn good andy and Cc were laughing at me and Lilly but we didn't give two fucks the whole time we were enjoying ourselves. Me and Lilly were definitely going to be doing a lot of this while the guys were gone. Me and Lilly both decided to have more girls days and hang out a lot. Since both of our boyfriends were both going to be gone for a while. Me and Lilly could take care of ourselves and relax and treat ourselves which sounds like a lot of fun. Me and Lilly started singing a couple of songs that we loved. Andy and Cc were both like damnnnn babe get it yall are amazing. Me and Lilly both smiled and said thanks and continued. I grabbed andys hand and held it while singing to one of my favorite songs and andy smiled the whole time and so did I. It was a really beautiful night tonight I let go of andys hand and looked at Lilly. I said Lilly she said what's up lacey I said are we going to be ok when the guys are gone. Lilly said yes we are going to be ok and we are going to focus on our selves more. I laughed and said we will become bad ass bitches Lilly said hellll yea two bad ass bitches I laughed and said agreed. An hour later we got home andy rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof I turned off my music and unplugged the aux cord. After we all got out and walked up to the house door andy locked the car and opened the front door. We all walked in and andy locked the door and we all took off our shoes I went upstairs and plugged my phone in and walked out of lillys room her and Cc went into her room and I said ok. Andy was walking to his room and when he opened his door and turned and looked at me and I looked back at him. Andy said you ready I bit my lip and waddled over andy laughed and said you God damn penguin and laughed. Andy opened his door and we both walked in andy turned the light on and closed and locked his door. I turned around and smiled at andy he walked over to his dresser and plugged in his phone and grabbed a condom. I said I have to pee and laughed andy said ok go I said ok and walked to the bathroom and locked the door. After I used the restroom andy went into the bathroom as well. I walked over to his bed and took off my shirt and pants and climbed into his bed and smiled and bit my lip. Andy walked out of his bedroom and turned on his lamp and turned off his lightsand walked over to his bed. Smiling at me I smiled as well and laughed and so did andy and he shook his head. Andy climbed into his bed and climbed on top of me and looked at me. Andy said in a deep voice you look a lot better under me lacey and I bit my lip and smiled. Andy ran his knuckle against my face all the way down my chest and down my stomach to my underwear. Andy slipped two fingers in my underwear and pulled them down and tossed them off the bed. Andy looked at me smiling and biting his lip he ran his fingers against my thigh and I opened my legs. Andy slipped two fingers into me and I moaned slightly and he smiled and kissed me. Andy started thrusting his fingers inside of me and I moaned against his lips. Andy said huskily do you like that baby I said yes andy slipped out his fingers and put them in his mouth. I said gross and laughed he said no you taste good and I started getting wet slightly. Andy leaned closer and kissed me he pulled back and slid off his boxers and tossed them off the bed. Andy got in between my legs and put his head by mine and he slipped his length into me filling me up. I moaned fuck slightly against his ear and he said fuck babe your so wet. I smiled against his head and so did andy. Andy started thrusting harder into me and I gripped his back and he moaned slightly against my neck it felt so good. I was really gonna miss this andy kept thrusting and groaning fuckkk against my neck. I kept moaning Andrew into his ear andy pulled his head back and put his forehead against mine while he was thrusting. Andy kept going slightly harder and he started sweating and his mouth hung open and he said fuck lacey you feel really good. I moaned slightly here and there a couple good rough thrusts later. Andy started thrusting a little harder and I felt a knot in stomach knowing I was gonna cum soon.I lifted my hips a little and andy went deeper inside of me and started twitching both of our orgasims hit us and we both clung to each other to keep from moaning really loud. Andy and I both started breathing heavily after we both came. Andy said I love you so fucking much lacey I said I love you so fucking much Andrew Dennis Biersack. Andy started laughing he was glistening in sweat his hair was sticking to his face. Me and Andy were both covered in sweat andy pulled out and we both moaned slightly. Andy layed next to me and said that was fucking amazing. I said I agree me and Andy were both still out of breathe.

my best friends dad
Romance*COMPLETE* This is a story about wen a friend finds out her best friends dad is her idol. #1bvbarmy