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"Come on Smokey time to go say hi to a little buddy of mine that will love you just like his cousins" I called for my German

He came running over to me and sat before me waiting for me to move.

I smiled and ruffled his fur before I latched the leash to his collar and walked out the house grabbing my keys,phone and wallet before locking the door.

"Since  Its such a beautiful day, I think we shall walk to where he is" I tell Smokey

He just gave me a slight head movement.

So off we went.

I headed towards T-M and walked into the lot going over to the play area where I seen a gloomy little Abel.

"Hey bud. I brought a friend that your daddy said you could meet" I tell able

As I got closer I opened the little gate and walked in the play area with Smokey before having him sit as I took his lead off.

Abel looked up and seen Smokey and his little eyes light and and he jumped off that swing and ran right to Smokey wrapping his little arms around Smokey's neck and hugged him.

SMokey being the great dog that he is just sat there.

I sat down and tapped Abel's arm.

"Hey bud, I have a question for you" I tell him

Abel pulled back and got a few licks on the cheek from Smokey that made Abel laugh.

"What?" he asked

"how would you like it if you and Smokey spent some time together?"

he looked really excited about that.

"Really, can we?"

I smiled

"Well we'd have to see what your daddy thinks. but I'm sure he won't mind since you and Smokey are bonding" I replied

Abel gave me a hug before he walked over to the little are under the slide with SMokey right behind him.

 "Smokey you watch Abel and don't let him wonder off" I ordered him.

The two of them just curled up together and stayed right where they are. Abel rubbed and patted Smokey while Smokey just kept his head right in Abel's lap.

I stood up and walked out of the play ara gate and headed over towards the prospect near by.

"Please make sure them two don't get hurt. my dog wont attack you unless you provoke him. and right now he's protecting Abel." I request

He gave me a slight nod and I smiled in thanks before walking inside to find Jax.

I greeted some of the guys as I walked in giving a few hugs here and there.

"Hey where's smokes?" Tig asked

"Smokey , blue eyes." I replied

"Ok where is Smokey?" he asked

"He's spending time with Abel and if I was you right now I'd not bother neither of the two" I tell him

"took to him right off huh?" Jax asked as he and my ol man walked up to me

I smiled as I kissed Happy who wrapped his arms around me.

" like I knew he would." I answered

"thank you for this" Jax said.

"its nothing really. I just know that with how things are going and Abel feeling gloomy that Smokey was the man for the job. and he's much better than a person who spends hour just being a damn broken record. now, how does that make you feel. "

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now