Chap. 5

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Sarah, Lolo, and I walked into the music room. It was organized completely by families. I think I died and went to Heaven. The whole room was what looked like a small auditorium. The instruments were backed up against the walls, the desks were in the middle, two doors were in the far back, and a small stage with a podium took up the front of the room.

Mics, and songbooks were scattered all over the room.

"Wolfe! We brought you a surprise!" Lolo yelled across the room.

A guy that was sitting at the piano stood up, and laughed, "Well, I love surprises."

The three of us walked up to him, and Sarah moved beside me, "Mr. Wolfe, may we introduce, Sk—"

"Skylar Brooks." Mr. Wolfe finished.

"Uh, hi?"

He cleared his throat, "Uhm, your homeroom teacher, Mr. Strause informed me that you and your little brother were gonna attend here."

"Mr. Strause?" I gaped.


"Oh, well. Uhm, okay."

"Okay, well, have a seat anywhere."

The bell rang and we did so. Then, as how Sarah put it, the All American Posse walked in. Great.

"So, Mr. Wolfe, you have Cali girl in your class." McKenzie smiled.

"Yes I do." He nodded.

She scowled at me, "Do you even play an instrument? And a tanning bed or an elliptical doesn't count; not that using an elliptical would hurt you."

Bitch, I play four, "Do you?" I retorted back, "And are you really using California stereotypes against me? Honey, I've heard it all, play a different tune would ya?"

"Miss Simmons," Mr. Wolfe crossed his arms, "We give everyone an equal chance here."

"Well, how can you if the student doesn't play anything?" Zach questioned.

I just stayed quiet, and let them continue. I shook my head at the three idiots in front of me.

"What? You got something to say New Girl?" Sean looked at me, noticing my smirk.

"No, why would I waste my breath by talking to you? You're not worth my time, neither of you are; so quit acting like ya'll own the place."

Drawled out "Oh's" filled the room, and McKenzie shot eye daggers at me.

"Okay, everyone. That's enough." Mr. Wolfe said trying to calm his class down, but Simmons kept lashing out at me.

Like she thought she could break me.

"But you see, California Girl, you still haven't answered my first question: Do. You. Play. An. Instrument?" She enunciated, as if I was dumbest person on Earth.

"McKenzie! Just let it go would you?!" Sarah growled.

I held my hand up to stop her, "No. Let her keep talking. She already looks stupid, might as well let her keep going." I smirked, "You might strut these halls like you own it McKenzie, but remember that a pretty face can't hide an ugly personality."

Everyone in the room laughed except McKenzie and the two guys. Then in all awkwardness, Fabien walked in with a pass in his hands.

"Fabien?" I said. He looked over at me and waved, the confronted Mr. Wolfe, giving him the pass.

Mr. Wolfe read it and leaned in toward him, "Tell her I don't have anymore." Mr. Wolfe whispered.

"Aw, so is that your little brother?" Sean asked.

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