Two days later
"Happy birthday Liam and Ellie" You, Chris and Abigail say walking in the nursery to the twins.
The twins were all ready awake, they stood in there cribs giggling.
"Hello babies" you take Ellie and Chris takes Liam you both kiss them. Abigail kisses them too.
"We have presents for you two" Abigail says more exited then the twins. The twins didn't really know the meaning of birthday.
You all go in the living room and sit on the floor. As the twins open there presents with a little help from there older sister.
You sat beside Chris who had his arm warped around you. As you two enjoyed your kids laughing and having fun.
"Now we are going to get ready cause everyone is going to be here for the party after few hours" you say
You get the kids ready while Chris decorates the house.
You dressed Liam, Ellie and Abigail in matching clothes. Where Ellie and Liam wore all white. Ellie wore a pastel yellow headband and Liam a pastel yellow tie. Abigail a yellow dress with white shoes and headband.
"You guys are just so adorable" you kiss Liam and Ellie on there heads. Abigail walk in the nursery "abi you look beautiful" you kiss her on the cheeks
"Thank you" she says. She walks over to the twins who were now on the floor playing
"Abi baby can you please take care of the twins while mommy goes to check if daddy's done decorating"
Abigail nods
You walk out of the nursery and to the living room where Chris was decorating
"Looks good Evans" you give Chris a slap on the ass "so I'm going to pick up the cake can you take care of the kids ?" You hug Chris you kiss his neck
"Yeah sure" he keeps decorating While your still hugging and kissing him. You were in a good mood as your playing around with Chris but he was to busy decorating
"Grumpy" you say
"What do you mean ?" Chris says confused
You cross your arms and sit on the couch, he stops what he was doing and sits next to you.
"Hey sorry I was a bit busy decorating" Chris kisses your cheek and neck, he kisses you sweet spot making you giggle "you like that ?" His lips attaches to yours. He holds your hip pulling you over him. You sit on his lap as he has both of his hands on you ass.
You pull away from the kiss "save this for when we go to Paris" you get off his lap. "Take care of my babies" you go down stairs. You get the cake.
As your driving back you see Emma was calling, you answer it
"Hey Em" you say on the phone
"Hi Y/n congratulations with the twins !" She says
"So where are you ?" Emma asks
"Oh I just got the cake now I'm driving back home, why do you ask" you stop at a red light
"I need you to do me a big big favour" Emma asks
"Yeah of course" you'd do anything for your best friend.
"Could you take care of the kids next week or so ? me and mark are going on a little trip/break to Paris" Emma says
"Oh my god, no way !" You say exited because you were also going to Paris
"So you can't take care of them ?" Emma asks confused
"I would love to but me and Chris are also going to Paris next week" you both scream Like two teenage girls "ahhhhhhh"
"Wait so it's like a double honeymoon ?" Emma says exited
"Yes !" You say also exited
"But if we stay at the same hotel me and mark are not getting a room next to You and Chris" he says
"What why not ?" You ask
"Oh believe me you two can go at it all night and not get tired" you both laugh
"Yeah okay we will quite" you say
"Good. So see you later at the party bye" she ends the call
You were so excited ever since you and Emma were teenagers you two always wanted to go on a girls trip with you boyfriends. You dated Nick back then but Emma didn't date anyone so she was always an third wheel.
You get home
"Im back" you yell as you go upstairs. "I got the cake it looks delicious" you say but you didn't see or hear anyone. "Chris ?" You place the cake in the kitchen as you look for them all over the house.
You go down stairs in the theatre room still nothing you hear some taking coming from the mini gym, you walk in seeing Chris doing push-ups with the twins and Abigail sitting on his back.
"Mommy look how strong daddy is" Abigail says
"Dada dada" the twins say.
"Yeah he is strong" you walk over to them "Chris why aren't you ready ?" You ask him
"I thought I could do some workout before everyone came" he breathes heavily as he keeps doing his push-ups
"Well they are coming after 20 minutes so go take a shower" you take the twins off of his back, Abigail also gets off.
Chris stands up he was all sweaty and sexy.
He pulls you by the hip and kisses you.
"Ewww" Abigail covers her eyes, so do the twins "are you guys done kissing ?" Abigail asks and open her eyes
"Yeah we're done" you laugh as you take the twins up stairs.
You put up the finishing touches as Chris is in the shower
You hear the bell ring "are first guests are hear" you let Abigail know
"I'll go open" Abigail runs down stairs
Thank you for reading chapter 77.
A trip to Paris with Mark and Emma. That will be exiting

You are the only perfect thing left
RomanceThis story is about YOU as you have a rough time in life after loosing your fiancée. You move to NYC for a fresh start, that's were you meet the one and only CHRIS EVANS. You both will get a good bond. Let's see where that leads you two.