Chapter 2

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Dumbledore stood awake, Talking to Wilbur and Phil. He had his hands laced behind his back as his students were taking turns going down into the basement changing into more comfortable and appropriate clothes. 

"So, Minerva can fly through the air?" He questioned and Phil just nodded. 

"Yep, I'll help her grow strength in her wings so she'll be capable of flying long distances." Phil responded and fixed his bucket hat. Dumbledore nodded appreciatively. 

"Draco. What do you think he is?" Dumbledore asked. 

"I think he's an Enderian, Because he didn't spawn in the nether. So if he is, He'll be working with Ranboo." Wilbur explained, clutching his guitar. 


"A place full of lava and creatures with the pure intention to kill, It's not a place to go for the faint of heart." Phil explained. Dumbledore nodded again, intrigued. Hermione walked over, her mind filled with thoughts. 

"I noticed something different about Dumbledore today." She spoke softly, Dumbledore looked down at her curiously. "His eyes are purple, They usually are blue." 

Dumbledore's head rose up in surprise. "My eye colour changed?" Hermione nodded as McGonagall walked over. Peering into his eyes. 

"Oh my, You do!" She turned to Phil. "What does this mean?" 

"There's only one species with Purple eyes. Check him to see if anything else is purple, Like hair, nails, tongue, patches of his skin. etc etc." Phil says as he takes a book out from a chest, flipping through the pages. "It's one of the more rare species, We only know of one other and he only joined us recently. Wilbur send a message to Scott to get his ass here please." 

Wilbur nodded quickly and tapped his left wrist, A large chat with previous conversations showed up, aswell as what seemed to be letters arranged in a strange way at the bottom, he began to quickly type out a message and hit send, the message now showing up along with his name. Another message showed up a second after. "He said he's on his way." His voice echoed out, as he tapped his left wrist once more and watched as the transparent screen shrunk down once more. 

Phil nodded as a thank you as he flips to the back of the book. "Aha, here it is. Starborne. Something I failed to mention yesterday is that there are sub-species. They are incredibly rare, You happen to be one of them. An incredibly powerful one at that." He handed the book to Dumbledore for him to read. 

"A Starborne is a subspecies, Known for their explosive (Literally) Behaviour, a ticking time bomb. Starbornes can explode at will, leaving them to respawn at spawn. Damaging a Starborne enough can cause them to explode like a piece of strong TNT, since a Starborne is capable of three times as much damage as a cluster of TNT." He read out, looking up at Phil. 

"You mean, He'll die?" Harry asked as he walked over, fixing his shirt.

"No, Everyone here respawns. But that doesn't mean it isn't painless." Phil explains, looking at him. "Though no-body seems to worry about it because they know everyone will come back." He shrugs. 

Harry stands agape, shocked at hearing the news. "How many people has died and came back?" 

"Honestly? Everyone has died at some point, Alot of it is just us killing each other for giggles." Wilbur explained. "Everyone knows it's not malicious and just for a laugh." 

"When we first arrived with Ranboo, We heard something about a blood god." McGonagall asked, fidgeting her wings slightly. 

"OH!" Wilbur burst out laughing. "TechnoBlade, Yeah, He's sorta recognised as a 'Blood God' in other servers since he's amazingly good at fighting. It's honestly just a joke." 

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