Progress:I forgot to take more pictures I'm stupid I know
Finished product:
I literally reused the trees from the sketch because I couldn't redraw them for the life of me
I also added a sky because why not, I like itI like it very much, especially the sky and face
I'm not sure exactly where he is, at first it was just supposed to be in ThunderClan but the red tint seems to give off a Dark Forest vibe, which I'm not complaining it's nice and fits him 👌
Anyways if you want a quick backstory/explanation of the Roleplay he was in, here it is:
Spire . Sin was a medicine cat when he was alive, however despite being great at his job he didn't seem interested at all in the ways of healing.
He was very interested in battle and bloodshed, and he had a thing for growing a simple argument between two warriors into chaos among the clan easily.Spire . Sin also had a reputation of breaking the code, taking multiple mates (at the same time, mind you), had kits, leaving cats outside his clan to die to injury, and let personal feelings get in the way of his duties.
A cat named Gas . Light (not owned by me) brought an injured warrior named Koi . Light (not owned by me) into his den, and Spire . Sin had treated his wounds. Afterward Gas . Light asked Spire . Sin for some help murdering Koi . Light, and being the cat he was, he agreed.
Gas . Light brought Koi. Light back for a "check up" and Spire . Sin gave him water hemlock, claiming it fights infections and helps the wounds heal faster. Koi . Light ate the poisonous flower and died rather quickly. Spire . Sin buried the body in the back area of the den since dragging a body out the den would be stupid.Eventually a kit named West . Kit (not owned by me) and a warrior—I forgot there name, so we'll call them Summer . Wing (not owned by me)—found the body and dug it up. Gas . Light and Spire . Sin had tried to trap them and kill them by Summer . Wing managed to escape, but she didn't tell the leader (because there wasn't one lmao)
West . Kit found a raccoon named Rocky (not owned by me) and let them eat the body because :shrugs:. Spire . Sin was still trying to kill West . Kit before the truth got out, but his apprentice— Mint . Paw (not owned by me) found out. Spire . Sun attacked West . Kit while Mint . Paw's friend, Dog . Paw (not owned by me) also found out. They tried to stop Spire . Sin but that didn't work.
Rocky defended West . Kit and fought Spire . Sin, she eventually killed him because I had to go.Now Spire . Sin resides in the Dark Forest for the rest of his days.
Randomgos·sa·mer /ˈɡäsəmər/ noun a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, seen especially in autumn.