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Spring break is in a week. 

For some reason we have spring break the first week of May. 

The baseball season has gone by perfectly so far, the state championship is in 5 weeks. We haven't lost once, and neither has the softball team. 

Senior year has gone by so fast. I just want everything to stop. I've gotten plenty of offers from different major league teams and colleges but I don't know what I want to do yet. My life is completely different now that Sofia is in the picture. 

We've been dating secretly for 2 weeks now. 

It's tiring having to hide from our friends but if this is the way to get her to trust me, then I will do it. 

I haven't seen her all weekend because we've both been too busy. I'm dying to hear her voice. 

"Wanna go to the movies after school?" Noah breaks me out of my thoughts as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

I immediately shove it off and glare at him. 

"Alyssa, Marco, Will, Luna, Riley and I are going, I think their asking Soph too." Noah shrugs. 

Sofia and I have plans to hang out after practice. 

"Not tonight." I state. 

"Whyyyyy, you haven't hung out with us in like 2 weeks." Noah complains. 

I roll my eyes, "I'm a busy man." 

I shut my locker but before I can leave, the rest of the group shows up. Not Sofia though. 

Will and Riley come up holding hands and Marco wiggles his eyebrows at him. 

"So when are you guys gonna make it official?" Luna asks, nudging Riley.

"Oh shut up." Will replies. We all laugh. 

Noah kisses Alyssa on the forehead before speaking up, "So did you ask Sofia?"

"We couldn't find her, has anyone seen her?" Alyssa says, looking around at the group. 

Where the fuck is she?

It's probably nothing, but I need to know she's safe. 

"Speaking of Sofia," Bianca comes out of no where, "She's probably just crying over her brother, the dead one." 

She laughs, making my blood boil. My fists clench at me sides, but immediately soften when I feel her touch.

"Get lost Bianca." Marco shoos her away. 

Sofia lets go on my hand so that no one sees. I want to hold her hand forever. 

When she comes into view, I see it. I see why she's busy all weekend, I see why she wasn't in school earlier today. She has her hood on, so only so much damage is shown. 

She has bruises and cuts all over her face. Her eyes look swollen from crying. 

All I want to do is hold her, and kill the person who laid a fucking finger on her, but I can't. I can't do anything in front of everybody. 

"Sofia what the fuck?" Alyssa says. 

"I fell while I was running, not that big of a deal. The concrete was just as hard as a rock." She shrugs. 

Before anyone can protest, the bells rings. She looks limp as she walks away. 

I grab her hand as pull her to the side where no one can see us. She winces as her back hits the wall. Whoever hurt her didn't just hurt her face, they fucking beat her. 

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