The corona kiss

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Sorry for not posting! I'm trying to figure out somethings for how the story's going to work so until then here's a random skit I wrote for theater last year.

The Corona Kiss

Gramma: Hello deary
Girl: Hi gramma
Gramma: come here and give grandma a kiss!
Kid: umm gramma, we can't do that anymore remember?
Gramma: But I'm your gramma!!!!???
Kid: i know and i love you for it but its for both our own safeties
Gramma: But... but...
Kid: now gramma you know the rules
Gramma: Can I at least pinch your cheeks?
Kid: no grandma you should know this by now
Gramma: Fine, can I have a hug?
Kid: no gramma come on we should get you home
Gramma: well i'm not going anywhere without a kiss
Gramma: no, i've made up my mind and you can't do anything to change that
Kid: how about I send you a kissing emoji?
Gramma: but i want a real kiss
Kid: and they say i act like a baby
Gramma: I heard that
Kid: gramma come on i want to go eat dinner
Gramma: fine, i guess you don't love little old me
Kid: gramma you know i love you
Gramma: then why can't i have a kiss or hug
Kid: you know the new presidents rules, no hugging, kissing, our pinching cheeks
Gramma: well you know in my day we didnt take orders from a child president
Kid: fine gramma how about a compromise
Gramma: what did you have in mind?
Kid: take out you kiss stick
Gramma: ok?
Kid and make it kiss mine
Gramma: ok
Kid: is that better grammar
Gramma: yes it is love, bye sweety
Kid: bye gramma

By ThE wAy! You might notice the AmAzhaNg cover! My friend @mysterykid drew it and I love it! Thanks dude!

By ThE wAy! You might notice the AmAzhaNg cover! My friend @mysterykid drew it and I love it! Thanks dude!

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P.S. please don't steal the cover from me I payed for it and if you want to use it for wall paper or something that's fine!

Mia out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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