Chapter 31 - Explosive Power

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Kyra hoped that Wake didn't have another Water and Ground Type under his belt, otherwise this battle would be near impossible. She sent Luxio back out and she stood proudly on the platform, once again looking forward to battling more.

"Floatzel, let's show this trainer that a battle isn't over till it's over," Wake said, sending out his ace Floatzel.

As much as Floatzel was a strong pokémon, Kyra was actually glad to see it since Luxio's instinct to protect Prinplup's honour against Barry's Floatzel would kick in. Not to mention that they would learn a bit about how Floatzel liked to battle.

"Let's get this battle started, use Crunch," Wake called, he wasn't going to let Kyra get off the first call again.

Floatzel jumped into the water and used his propellor like tail to speed towards Luxio, giving her and Kyra very little time to react.

Since there wasn't much time to set up a counter, a confusion tactic was the best chance.

"Luxio, use Double Team," Kyra called in reply, staying as calm as possible so she could concentrate.

Luxio multiplied and had her duplicates on every floating platform, making it difficult for Floatzel to know which Luxio was the right one to target.

"Now Luxio, use Thunder Fang," Kyra said, making her attack call now that she knew Floatzel was at a disadvantage.

Luxio and her duplicates jumped at Floatzel, all of them landing a powerful Thunder Fang before Luxio jumped back to the floating platform she had been on before and calling back her duplicates.

"That's some skill, using Double Team like that takes good training. But you won't be able to deal with this the same way. Use Aqua Jet and take Luxio under the water," Wake commented, making his next call.

Floatzel took advantage of his speed and hit Luxio, taking her underwater as he returned to his comfort zone.

"Under the water? With an Electric Type? You're forgetting what move ultimately finished off your Gyarados. Use Discharge," Kyra called, forgetting that Wake was a Gym Leader and would most likely have a strategy.

As Luxio powered up her Discharge, Wake smiled, making Kyra worry that Wake had planned for Kyra to call for Discharge.

"Use your flotation sac as a shield," Wake called, taking Kyra by surprise.

The rubber from Floatzel's floatation sac expanded and absorbed all of Luxio's Discharge, not taking any damage whatsoever.

"Good, now throw Luxio out of the water with Ice Fang," Wake said, taking back control of the battle.

Floatzel grabbed a hold of Luxio and flung her out of the water. Luxio stuck her claws out and skidded along the floating platform, her claws stopping her from falling into the pool again.

"You ok Luxio, can you still battle?" Kyra asked, worried that Luxio wouldn't be able to get to her feet again.

Luxio nodded and got to her slowly feet again, emitting a blinding glow as she did so.

Luxio grew bigger and her mane grew larger too. Her star tipped tail became longer and the star grew to match. Luxio was evolving.

Kyra got her pokédex ready, curious to learn more about her newly evolved pokémon.

"Luxray, the Gleam Eyes pokémon, an Electric Type, and the fully evolved form of Shinx. With its excellent vision, Luxray can see their opponents no matter where they are or what they are hiding behind,"

With Luxray's new power, Kyra was sure that this battle would soon be over. Luxray not only was strong already, but she was even stronger now.

Luxray snarled at Floatzel, she wasn't going to let her opponent get the upper hand again in this battle. Flotzel had resurfaced again and began snarling back, he wasn't going to let Luxray win if he could help it.

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