Chapter 54: Orange Juice

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Chapter 54

Orange Juice

"I'll see you soon."

I nodded, hugging Titus. "You should just come live with us," I muttered into his coat.

He laughed. "Like your parents would agree to that."

I shrugged. "I thought I'd try."

The garage door opened behind us and my dad back out the car. Xavier gave them a wave, before closing it again.

"There's your ride."

"Yep." I glanced over my shoulder to see my parents waiting. "Bye."

He leaned down and kissed me. "I'll be there for your birthday."

"See you in a couple weeks then." I gave him a wave and walked to the car.

"I love you, Aden," he called after me.

Opening the car door, I smiled. "I love you too. Bye."

Titus waved and watched as I climbed into the car, and we started down the road. I leaned against the door, fiddling with my ring.

"It'll go by faster than you think," said my mother. "Maybe too fast." She took out her phone. "Jenny, I'm on my way home. Yep, bring it all. We have a little over four months to get this wedding planned."


I sat down in my government class and leaned over my desk. The two girls next to me started whispering.

"So Aden," ask the one closest to me.

"Hmmm..." I propped my head up on my hand.

"The other day, I was waiting behind your mom at the grocery store, and I heard her say something about your wedding."

My eyes grew wide, and I froze.

"Is it true? Are you getting married?"

Her friend leaned across the aisle and stared at me as well. They both smiled. The answer was obvious. It showed clearly on my face. I glanced across the room to see Chris and his friends watching me as well. I cursed under my breath. Everyone's eyes went to my ring.

I quickly hid my hands and nodded. "Yeah."

They both squealed.

The teacher looked up from his desk. "Girls, please. The assignment is on the board due at the end of class. Everyone better get started on it now."

I pulled out my books and notebook.

"What's his name?" whispered the girl.


"He asked you over the break?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

The girl in front of me turned around in her seat. "How'd he do it?"

Why did I choose this corner of the room to sit in? I peered across the way and was reminded by Chris and his friends.

I took out my phone. "Here."

The three of them huddled around and looked through the pictures my mom had sent me. If it kept them busy and I didn't have to explain everything, they could look at them all day.

I started answering the chapter review questions. My eyes kept darting to my ring. I should be proud to say I'm getting married. If anyone said anything, my fiance would take care of it.

Chris was glaring at me. Never mind, I'll be proud quietly.

The girl handed back my phone. "Those are so cute. You got yourself a good one." She gave me a smile and turning forward.

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