Chapter 27: Reaching Back Part Two

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I had been sobbing into Ten Ten's arms for a while.

Finally I had retreated to shaking against her chest.

I bit my lip as she pulled my face away from her and looked at me with a pout. "You okay?" She asked me softly.

I swallowed a lump and nodded my head. "Yes. Yes." I repeated as I pushed myself away from her, giving some space.

Ten Ten looked at me with sincere eyes. "So what did you see?"

I turned away and shook my head. "First it was Naruto doing, yeah... then Sasuke pushing him off. Then more flashes of the night like Sasuke arguing with Naruto and Naruto spinning me in a circle, blurry moments sort of sped throughout my brain and-," I stopped myself.

... and Sasuke holding me close.

"And what?" She asked me quietly.

I bit the inside of my cheek and stared solemnly at the ground. "Nothing. It was painful. I'm sorry about your shirt." I scoffed. Ten Ten looked down and softly huffed at the tear-stained shirt.

"Trust me it's fine." She said and stood up. After taking her hand she reached down to me, we got up together and walked away from the area. I looked back a few times, seeing if maybe anything would come back.

Fortunately nothing did.


We were in Ten-Ten's car now, just driving around so that I could compose my thoughts again. I decided my conclusion wouldn't be made until I remembered everything I possibly could tonight.

It sounded dumb. People with amnesia don't just remember things. But obviously traumatic experiences do tend to come back to me if I play the right card.

Gosh, by now I must be dehydrated from all my crying. I then made a decision to not let anything else I might see let tears flow again. I can't put Ten-Ten, Naruto and Sasuke through this that many times.

Speaking of her, Ten-Ten suddenly coughed and spoke up. "If you're still in the mood, I'm willing to take you to some other places." She said calmly.

I blinked a few times and took a much-needed breath. "Yep. I think I even know where to go next." I exhaled.

She sighed and nodded her head. She's going to be sick of me by the end of the day. "Where's that?" She asked.

I squeezed my knee and sat up a little more in my seat. "I want to remember our crash." I spat.

Ten Ten swerved to the side of the road and parked aggressively. She then whipped her head in my direction and looked at me with gaping eyes. "Are you out of your mind?" She breathed, baffled.

I averted my gaze and shrugged. "Today I am, a little." I scoffed.

She inhaled angrily and wiped her hands down her face. "Sakura, by the end of today you're going to be on a monitor because you've had your 17th panic attack. I cannot be responsible for that!" She yelled.

I furrowed my brows and completely turned my body away from her. "I won't I promise—,"

"You can't promise that!" She interrupted.

I blew air out dramatically. "I won't! Look, Ten-Ten, the only thing I'm able to remember at the moment is Tragedy." I started. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Yes! It sucks. But it's given me so many answers in just what I saw back at the lot. Would you really not want to remember the most impactful moments of your life?" I said in a hurry.

Ten-Ten looked at me with pleading eyes, I returned the look.

Finally they gave up and now showed surrender. She leaned back in her seat and threw her head back. "Fine! But don't you think we should at least tell Sasuke and Naruto we're doing this first? In case anything happens?"

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