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Requested by starwarsfangirl01

Ezra knew what to expect that night.

Ever since Malachor, nightmares plagued him every night. He tried to deal with them on his own, but that night was different.

It was 0300, the middle of the night, when a nightmare hit Ezra in the face.

"Kanan, Ahsoka, Maul tricked us! This temple's a weapon!"

He was too late. Ahsoka was on the ground. Was she dead, or unconscious? A blinded Kanan was fighting Maul with renewed vigor. It looked like he would actually win this time...

A green light overtook Kanan, who stopped fighting Maul. He turned on his heel to face Ezra, lightsaber ignited. His eyes were glowing bright yellow. As Ahsoka rose to her feet, her eyes were the same color. Maul cackled.

"Ezra, apprentice, come join us!" Maul cried, laughing.

Ezra couldn't speak. He was staring at Kanan and Ahsoka, who were slowly coming closer to him with their lightsabers ignited. As Kanan drew nearer, he plunged his saber through Ezra's heart.

Ezra woke with a scream, sitting bolt upright. Zeb's snores echoed through the room. He tried to go back to sleep, but memories of Malachor kept echoing through his mind.

"Kanan, Ahsoka, Maul tricked us! This temple's a weapon!"

"The power to destroy life is at your command."

"You have unlocked the secret of the temple. How did you accomplish this?"

"Revenge is not the Jedi way."

"I am no Jedi."

"Kanan, your eyes..."

"There's nothing we can do now. It's over. It's over..."

Ezra sobbed into his pillow. Why Kanan, why Ahsoka... it should've been me...

In the room across the hall, Kanan felt intense sadness and mental turmoil coming from his student. He walked to Ezra and Zeb's shared room, where he could hear his Padawan crying. Kanan hopped up onto the bunk, pulling Ezra into his arms, the way he had on the way home from Malachor. "It's alright," he whispered. "It's okay."

There's nothing we can do now. It's over.

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