Author's Note 3

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Hello my dear readers. 

I regret to inform you that I will not be continuing this story. I no longer have the time to write and I haven't felt all that inspired to write about Chloe in some time. 

Having said that, I did write the ending in advance, and promised you would all read it. I'll be publishing the last two chapters moments after this note is published. 

I'll leave it up to you to imagine what must have happened in between where the story is now and where the ending will take you.

If you do make fan fiction of the in-between missing section, do not hesitate to let me know, I would love to read what you come up with.

Please know I love all of you dearly and I wouldn't abandon this story without worthy cause. 

Yours truly,

The Author 


Edit: Dec 7, 2022

Dear Readers,

I have resumed writing this story due to unforeseen inspiration to write about Chloe Price again. Please stay tuned while I bring closure and explanation to the strange ending.

It will be slow considering I'm a full time STEM major but I'm happy to keep writing this :)

I published a new chapter today (the actual Part 19) and it will continue after this author's note.

Happy reading!

Yours truly,

The Author

Paying the Price - Chloe Price x Reader a Life is Strange FanficWhere stories live. Discover now